Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [conj] [art] same [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Of those who resist cable she says ‘ just remember that the same arguments were put forward against ITV over 25 years ago ; they were wrong then and they will be wrong again . ’
2 Using a tachistoscope and testing normal subjects it has been repeatedly shown that letters and words presented in the right visual field are more easily identified than the same stimuli presented in the left visual field .
3 Using a tachistoscope and testing normal subjects it has been repeatedly shown that letters and words presented in the right visual field are more easily identified than the same stimuli presented in the left visual field .
4 Coverage is further restricted because the same titles tend to crop up in each paper .
5 The Government also envisages that the same grounds and procedures would apply to off-licence applications .
6 Experience has also shown that the same samples can have different appearances under CL in machines from different manufacturers .
7 It was also noted that the same indicators were not necessarily relevant to different groups ; for example , membership of groups associated with religious institutions might well be irrelevant in a contemporary northern English coal-mining community , but highly relevant in a Midlands black community .
8 However , Paykel argues that specificity is , at best , weak , and therefore concludes that the same events may result in a variety of disturbances .
9 This cocktail effect commonly occurs when the same enzymes are involved in detoxifying both chemicals — the two then ‘ compete ’ for the same enzyme , which is only present in limited amounts .
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