Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] way through the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Right-ho ! ’ and he slowly squelched his way through the gate and out of sight .
2 When they were n't , we rafting rookies would leave the boats and watch the guides skilfully manoeuvre their way through the thundering foam .
3 These burrowing earthworms literally eat their way through the soil forming deep , vertical , permanent burrows with smooth walls cemented together with mucus secretions .
4 He 'd schooled himself to ruthlessness , single-mindedly forcing his way through the jungle , hacking at anything in his path .
5 She blinked and swallowed but before she had time to say more Danny suddenly pushed his way through the crowd , dragging Jimmy behind him .
6 Sandy was already picking her way through the garden towards the front of the house .
7 ‘ I have never given the Olympic Games a thought I am just plodding my way through the season , racing here and there , ’ he said .
8 As well as those prisoners given an amnesty , the Catholic Institute for International Relations estimates that at least 260 ex-Somocistas have already worked their way through the five stages of imprisonment and , although given long sentences , have now been released on the basis of their behaviour .
9 He describes his own ( very Darwinian ! ) experiment in which he allowed the stolons of Saxifraga sarmentosa ( a classic ‘ guerrilla ’ growth form ) to encounter an artificial vegetation that he had constructed : ‘ Many long pins were next driven rather close together into the sand , so as to form a crowd in front of … two thin lateral branches ; but these easily wound their way through the crowd .
10 The voice recordings were shipped to London where MI6 had to set up a totally new department of 250 specially recruited Russian-speaking experts to slowly work their way through the material .
11 ‘ He picked up the burning bomb , which promptly blazed its way through the handle , so the only way to put it out was by throwing on his great coat .
12 In these parts of the world , the genuine passenger still picks his way through the station encampment , with a sense almost of intruding upon the privacy of a village community .
13 When a rat became a competent maze-runner , Lashley removed part of its cerebral cortex and checked to see whether the animal could still find its way through the maze .
14 Six years and the legal system is still working its way through the small print .
15 Asmodeus , the Devil 's banker ’ — William was still working his way through the forces of Good and Evil — ‘ who was also the Maker of Bad Marriages … ’
16 ‘ As far as I know , he 's still working his way through the list of cabin calls , then he was due to do a routine hygiene inspection .
17 By the mid-1970s the ‘ bulge ’ had nearly worked its way through the system , and this , together with disillusion with innovation in education , brought to an end the role of the education service as an expenditure growth-leader among the public services .
18 Similar cases concerning abortion law changes recenly enacted by several states , notably Pennsylvania , Louisiana , and Utah , were also working their way through the courts , but supporters and opponents of abortion deemed this case to be the most significant because the Guam law was the most explicit defiance of the Roe decision .
19 The tigress was undoubtedly familiar with every foot of the ground , and not having had an opportunity of killing me at the rocks — and her chance of bagging me at the first hairpin bend having been spoilt by the kakar — she was probably now making her way through the dense undergrowth to try to intercept me at the second bend .
20 Significant trends are now working their way through the specific conditions prevailing in different cities and regions in Britain ( Goddard and Champion , 1983 ) .
21 But this , of course , is mere speculation : I can not inhabit his mind nor even imagine my way through the dark labyrinth of its distortions and obsessions .
22 They finished their drinks and almost silently ate their way through the plate of sandwiches .
23 He landed heavily on the hall 's marble flagstones , then thrust his way through the press of people . ’
24 He then caressed his way through the lyrical , haunting melody of Monk 's ‘ Round Midnight , throwing in a couple of surprise twists in the closing bars .
25 The idea is to order everything you want to eat at the same time , then work your way through the tower of baskets .
26 She shrugged then pushed her way through the grass , out into the open .
27 Village communities anywhere are notoriously conservative , so when two young cyclists wandered in to the Gasthof Löwen with shoulder-length hair and matching headbands , they received some doubtful glances from the table where five farm-workers sat steadily drinking their way through the evening .
28 Barney , of course , is currently struggling his way through the next set of fabulous lyrics for the upcoming New Order album which is staggering to completion .
29 ICI and other big manufacturers are involved in four price-fixing cases currently grinding their way through the elephantine procedures of the European Community .
30 Apparently they 're the offspring of a few cabbage white butterflies which were blown across the channel , have hatched , and are currently munching their way through the garden of England .
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