Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 Since they evidently have a rate control " knob " on their " stroboscope " , why do n't they turn it permanently to maximum , thereby keeping their perception of the world at its most acute , all the time , to meet any emergency ?
2 Israel had announced in October that it would attend the Ottawa talks , thereby ending its boycott of the multilateral refugee negotiations [ see p. 39167 for Israeli participation in multilateral regional economic co-operation talks in Paris in late October ] .
3 Thus had Carnelian swiftly explained his shooting of the old woman …
4 When the Prince and Princess of Wales quite rightly scrapped their tour of the mainland , they had the opportunity to make a contrasting point in Hong Kong .
5 When the various occult organisations get wind of the non-existent secret 's existence , of course , they take it in deadly earnest and will stop at nothing to discover it and so make themselves Masters of the World .
6 Pretend you are a beginner who has inadvertently forgotten which end of the board is forwards and set sail going backwards .
7 We will encourage farmers , retailers and manufacturers to work together to increase our share of the European food market .
8 It can greatly assist your understanding of the overall organisation of the book .
9 Hilda read extracts from letters received from Dr. Monnica Stewart , Margot Hawker , physiotherapist and June Sutherland , occupational therapist all expressing their enjoyment of the day and appreciation of our work .
10 Hilda read extracts from letters received from Dr. Monnica Stewart , Margot Hawker , physiotherapist and June Sutherland , occupational therapist all expressing their enjoyment of the day and appreciation of our work .
11 Erm , also I , I wanted to try and cover the main points and it 's very difficult with a subject like that to , to only give you part of the , the story otherwise people would immediately say , well , yes , but you have n't thought about this or that .
12 He would not only keep his side of the bargain , but enable Israel to keep hers , by putting his Spirit within her people .
13 Well , for instance ; one night Stella went crazy and assaulted a visitor who had called Stella II a skinny black bitch right in the middle of her rendition of ‘ Te Amo ’ , and he meant it , right there in the middle of his number — well Madame not only showed her approval of the assault by conspicuously buying Stella drinks every night for the whole of the following week ; as soon as she saw the fight starting she got off her stool , yanked out the plug on the sound system , hitched up that frock , got straight up on the stage while they were still on the floor ( she knew Stella would sort him out ) and she went into an unforgettable aria of abuse against this stranger which culminated in her eschewing all her usual magnificence of phrasing and just standing there shouting fuck off at him , screaming fuck off , if you do n't like it you can fuck off , E , X , I , T , there it is , you came in through it and now you can fuck off out of it , fuck off out of it why do n't you you stupid bastard ( and by now of course someone had dragged Stella off and we were all up on our chairs cheering while the disgraced stranger made his slow and humiliating exit through the parting crowd ) why do n't you just piss off and insult someone who does n't have the balls to answer back because you 've picked the wrong girls here darling , fuck off that 's it , fucking fuck off , fucking fuck off right through my front door and do n't you ever , do n't you ever , do n't you ever step on my fucking frock again .
14 Her discovery did , however , although belated , do much to help her understanding of the conversation : references hitherto obscure became suddenly clear .
15 He discovers he has a talent for predicting the future , but ironically this privilege only increases his sense of the present .
16 They carry quasi-symbolic meaning : bears , cats and forest fires are objects of fear to the people and so convey their recognition of the power and danger of the new people .
17 1991 , 27 , 701 ) , is really only displaying his ignorance of the commonly accepted textbooks of inorganic chemistry .
18 It is n't serious enough to spoil your enjoyment of the car but is hard to understand from a company that spent millions developing the Lexus , the car that banished noise , vibration and harshness .
19 The UN General Assembly annually reiterates its recognition of the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea ( CGDK ) , which was formed in June 1982 and which comprises three organizations opposed to the Phnom Penh regime , namely ( i ) the Party of Democratic Kampuchea ( the Khmers Rouges ) , the leading members of which had headed , under Pol Pot , the universally reviled government of Democratic Kampuchea between 1975-79 ; ( ii ) the Armée nationale sihanoukiste ( ANS ) , headed by a former ruler of the Kingdom of Cambodia , Prince Norodom Sihanouk ; and ( iii ) the Khmer People 's National Liberation Front ( KPNLF ) led by Son Sann , a former Prime Minister under Sihanouk .
20 Maggie only repeated her question of the night before , ‘ Are you OK , Mummy ? ’
21 If you make a claim for any liability , loss or damage that is also covered by any other insurance policy we will only pay our share of the claim .
22 If you make a claim for any liability , loss or damage that is also covered by any other insurance policy we will only pay our share of the claim .
23 If you make a claim for any liability , loss or damage that is also covered by any other insurance policy we will only pay our share of the claim .
24 If you make a claim for any liability , loss or damage that is also covered by any other insurance policy we will only pay our share of the claim .
25 The Arnoldian tradition relates art firmly to being in all its existential , moral and aesthetic modalities , but in so doing perhaps diminishes our awareness of the unique properties of the arts as arts ; conversely , while the continental schools in various ways direct our attention to the formal or technical properties of the arts ( even when contesting them ) , they perhaps risk losing the human frame of reference .
26 If they sign an ‘ income received ’ deal , they will only receive their proportion of the royalties sent to their UK publisher , after the foreign publisher has taken a percentage .
27 Not only does our understanding of the universe change as the centuries go by : it improves .
28 But it does seem that he had some hint of the future : not only does his idea of the arena in which Pandemonium ( 1831 ) took place look like Wembley Stadium but his high-rise Tower of Babel in Belshazzar 's Feast might almost have been modelled on the General Accident Life building now going up at the side of Lendal Bridge on the way to York 's Railway Station .
29 In any case , teaching English Literature to schoolchildren would only remind her daily of the superior satisfactions of teaching it to young adults .
30 Since then , larger-scale excavations have greatly extended our understanding of the town , focusing attention on the defensive sequence , on an area inside the northern defences in Kingshams Field , and on the suburbs along the Fosse Way and the Dorchester road , most of which are now fully published .
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