Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 If we can successfully compare a present-day situation to an historic one then we can use hindsight to tell us what may happen next .
2 It blessed the religious communities and thereby committed the Anglican Communion to an official acceptance of monks and nuns in a way which was so far unique to the Churches which came out of the Reformation .
3 The pelagic zone also includes a few creatures that are land-based , but none the less make a significant contribution to the marine ecology : birds such as the puffins , gannets , boobies , auks , terns and penguins ; the pinniped carnivores — seals , sea-lions , fur seals , and walruses ; other carnivores — the sea-otter and the polar bear ; reptiles such as some marine crocodiles and the marine , herbivorous iguana of the Galapagos Islands .
4 This places one in the domain of knowledge or facts and the perceiving necessarily precedes the logical conclusion to which it gives rise .
5 Applecross just happened to be central when Xenly was divided and so became the only building to be shared by each community .
6 Old phone books apparently make an ideal alternative to straw , and they 're far cheaper .
7 This not only produces a balanced form to the plant , carrying and showing the blooms to advantage , but reduces hindrance to air movement to a minimum .
8 Sometimes we so devalue a physical approach to the world that we begin to devalue action itself .
9 In Fox 's case , practice obviously goes a long way to making perfect .
10 It would perhaps make a poignant epitaph to Eliot 's creative career that he should return to the literary associations and memories of his youth in America — the " Victorian American " who even in his rebellion against that inheritance marked himself as its true heir .
11 Non-executive directors can only make a limited contribution to a company given that they have little knowledge of its day-to-day working . ’
12 It is also interesting to note that endorphins are released when acupuncture is practised and perhaps make a significant contribution to the therapeutic effects which may be achieved .
13 As far as BCCI is concerned , it is understood that a very high proportion of the loans made by BCCI have some sort of deposit associated , and this will obviously make a substantial difference to the amount which can be claimed on behalf of BCCI .
14 As the existing windows were more than large enough to light the second-storey accommodation to building regulations standards , it was decided to shorten these openings .
15 In establishing their ancestry , little reference is ever made to the surrealists , who obviously contributed a great deal to the contestation of realism — this seems to arise mainly from a dislike of the practice of automatic writing .
16 I hope that you are now well enough to accept the attached invitation to a charity bail on the first evening of the York meeting .
17 Censorship only exposes the offending article to a greater public .
18 Censorship only exposes the offending article to a greater public .
19 As Robinson ( 1985 , p. 42 ) puts it , ‘ the FMI merely adds a new twist to the whole question of … civil servants ’ answerability to Parliament' .
20 THE recent wild fluctuation in interest rates has only added an extra burden to people already having severe housing problems .
21 One version of the story has Massaccio losing all of his clothes as well , which not only adds a new possibility to the origin of the saying ‘ to lose your shirt ’ , but also a certain piquancy to the vision of the gambler outside the church .
22 For example , the devastating fungus Cordyceps militaris nearly fills its host 's body cavity with fungal tissue , absorbing nutrients from the rich haemolymph ( the body fluid of the insect ) , literally starving the hapless insect to death from within .
23 This idea of the innovative power of movements obviously owes a great deal to the events of the 1960s when there appeared quite suddenly large-scale movements expressing profound discontent with , and opposition to , the existing social and political order .
24 An attractor that has a positive maximal Lyapunov exponent , and so has a high sensitivity to initial conditions , often has a very complicated structure , in that it may have a noninteger , fractal dimension , and have some of the properties of a Cantor set .
25 I mean only to provide the following answer to the argument from coordination as an argument for conventionalism .
26 It seems clear , however that the initial cancellation only added a short time to the eventual arrival of the ambulance .
27 The timescale is then extended by using large felled timbers with patterns sufficiently overlapping the existing chronology to be certain of a unique match .
28 Nevertheless , he does report many developments in the American social scene , which obviously owe a great deal to the careful monitoring of many local newspapers .
29 Such an exercise will serve not only to sensitize the American reader to the distinctive features of the British polity but also to make readers more aware of the features of their own polity .
30 Next day , when the mob was destroying the Catholic chapel in Moorfields , he apparently turned a deaf ear to requests for orders from the soldiers and the fire officers in attendance ; and when the rioters ' work was done he uttered the mildest of rebukes : ‘ That 's pretty well , gentlemen , for one day ; I hope you will now go to your own homes . ’
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