Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [art] [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Record-breaking and the alleged mania for quantification can not properly explain the appeal of sport .
2 The Morley/Penman project had a negative thrust — ‘ rockist ’ duly became a term of abuse as casually applied by pop fans as ‘ selling out ’ had been by 1960s rock fans — but its tone was relentlessly optimistic and Morley was duly rewarded for his faith in market forces ( and in Dollar in particular ) by being invited into Trevor Horn 's record label plans .
3 For the new system to be introduced properly involves a change of constitution and a further vote .
4 Much more seriously , the House of Lords in Grunwick Processing Laboratories Ltd v. ACAS ( 1978 ) effectively made the resolution of recognition disputes dependent on the co-operation of employers .
5 Much of the problem can be overcome by designing networks that meet people 's walking needs , thereby encouraging a level of activity that ‘ deters antisocial behaviour and offers the reassurance of help at hand if hassled ’ .
6 Patients presenting with metastasis of unknown origin have a mean life expectancy of only four months so most diagnostic methods occupy a large proportion of the patient 's remaining life and identification of the primary site only rarely influences the choice of treatment .
7 Both at home and at school , methodologies may fundamentally obstruct the negotiation of meaning and , in doing so , reduce the likelihood of deaf children enriching their language skills .
8 Of course , Irish clergy and laity are sometimes at the forefront of political religious change in other countries , and a lively Irish intellectuals ’ religion will continue : but whether or not it will eventually affect the structure of power is another matter .
9 On the other hand , Whitaker avidly devoured the kind of Boy 's Own adventures typified by such heroes as Bulldog Drummond and any of John Buchan 's creations .
10 This section will attempt to demonstrate how the Bank of England operates in the sterling money markets and thereby influences the level of interest rates in those markets .
11 The scholarships are now in their third year and a number of candidates have successfully completed a variety of courses .
12 Zimbabwean conservationists have successfully completed a programme of rhino de-horning , a technique first developed in an effort to reduce rhino poaching in neighbouring Namibia .
13 Whilst with JM Liz has successfully completed the Institute of Personnel Management examinations and is currently taking the Open University Effective Manager course .
14 These reprisals set out specifically and successfully to drive a wedge of animosity between the Palestinians and their increasingly resentful hosts in south Lebanon , the Shiite community .
15 The band , who promised to be massive after an effortless rise to the top during the Manchester thingy in 1990 , eventually became a figure of fun in the music Press .
16 He eventually became a prebend of St. Paul 's and Archdeacon of Leicester ; had it not been for his friendship with Bishop Crewe who sympathized with the Stuarts , he could have expected to become a bishop .
17 This form developed bipedalism and other adaptations to the newly opening arid savannah landscape and eventually became the ancestor of man .
18 No wonder the train eventually became the focus of bandits , thieves and pickpockets .
19 he never took much part in college life and eventually became an object of derision among medical students , who called him ‘ Mummy Jones ’ .
20 Only hours before a meeting in New York on May 13th with holders of GPA 's unsecured bonds and medium-term notes ( MTNs ) , he clinched a deal in which GE Capital ( the finance arm of America 's General Electric ) stands eventually to acquire the bulk of GPA 's equity .
21 In fact , the supposed readiness of Russians to ‘ accept ’ baptized or otherwise assimilated natives as Russians is in itself a manifestation of the national arrogance of the Russians , which eventually engendered a sense of inferiority among many of the indigenous peoples .
22 The imposition of an additional levy on alien exporters in 1303 had led to English merchants playing a major part in handling wool shipments later in the century , but it was Edward III 's war taxation for his French campaigns , much of which was derived from levies on wool exports , which did most to promote the development of cloth manufacture in England , by creating a tariff barrier which raised the costs of the raw material to the foreign manufacturers .
23 In this situation the circulation was altered so that a cold polar vortex remained until the end of the simulation , thereby maintaining the presence of PSCs for a much longer period .
24 The Llanelli back row successfully countered the threat of Dean Oswald , the New Zealand No 8 who , returning to the Pontypool side after a 10-week absence , made an attractive contribution but rarely crossed the gain line .
25 Right Got a roll of film for the camera ?
26 Furthermore , the research process was to be used to train locals in obtaining the information they needed , and thereby develop a network of individuals and groups who would express their concern for the land issues of the region by an ongoing commitment to further action at local and National level using the results obtained from the study .
27 It was they who most resented the contempt of factory management , the humiliation of public examination for venereal diseases , the lack of privacy in the lavatories , the insecurity of their jobs , the degradation of their living quarters .
28 This opens the way for staff to use their ‘ professional skills ’ to implement their own ideas rather than those of the users , which effectively renders the notion of user participation meaningless ( Carr , 1987 , personal communication ; Jewell , 1975 ) .
29 The Conference is the forum where Resolutions which were submitted last December and which were discussed at over 50 District Meetings around the country since then were finally put to the vote of the delegates and , if passed , thereby became a cornerstone of Association policy .
30 Nevertheless , failures will be encountered and such failures can eventually attain a degree of seriousness that constitutes a serious crisis for the paradigm and may lead to the rejection of a paradigm and its replacement by an incompatible alternative .
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