Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] her [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That was where Luch silently led Marion Maclean , slowly recovering from her shock during the four-mile walk .
2 There is Jean Shrimpton standing waif-like in a wrinkled raincoat on Tower Bridge ; or tugging at her oversized jumper , one arm gently loped over her head in the hallway of 91 Heigham Road .
3 After so much delay and frustration it was being driven at speed , and so zipped across her vision in one swift-moving moment .
4 Her deportment , said to be ‘ like a queen ’ , was perhaps formed by her work at the dressmaking and millinery shop , Cranborne Alley , Leicester Square , to which she journeyed from Southwark , where her family was living .
5 It was the same sensitive touch he brought to their lovemaking , and the knowledge only added to her store of love for him , for she saw how he was the sort of man who was all of a piece , mentally and physically , a complete human being , someone she could only admire , despite the hell he put her through .
6 Mrs Seale , long departed after her disgrace over losing Dinah years back , had been replaced by a dresser who was less vigilant , and the Chinese puzzle of the dressing-rooms had , in the days of the departed Mrs Asshe , been altered so that admirers could come and go .
7 There was no way they could avoid touching , and it only added to her torment of mind and spirit .
8 Greatly missed since her death in 1986 .
9 She was so impressed she apparently forgot about her appointment with Mrs Major , who was waiting patiently in the Savoy powder room .
10 She keeps nothing hidden from Edward , so confident is she of his love and so secure in her belief in the future that lies before them , unconventional and home-based :
11 Early in the 1950s , Richard Titmuss pointed out that the average working class woman marrying in her teens or early twenties during the 1890s experienced ten pregnancies and spent fifteen years in pregnancy and nursing compared with an average of four years so spent by her counterpart in the years following World War II .
12 He smiled , apparently entertained by her reluctance to be manipulated , and , taking a seat opposite , said , ‘ I , however , will tell you everything you need to know . ’
13 In the reign of Canute , an aristocratic woman called Godiva attending a vigil of prayer to St Etheldreda in Ely , was so kindled in her love towards the Ely monks , because of the ‘ beauty of the place and of their devotion ’ , that she granted three estates to the monastery .
14 Gilly finds an excuse for going back to Mr Randolph 's house and she manages to steal the rest of his money , but there is still not enough to pay for her ticket to San Francisco .
15 Fly-leaf of a 1599 Bible perhaps inscribed by her husband to Shakespeare 's last direct descendant , his grand-daughter Elizabeth Bernard .
16 I was so offended by her behaviour towards me that tears came to my eyes .
17 With a hopeless shrug of resignation she hurriedly put on a slim linen dress , which she had only thrown into her case at the last minute .
18 But she was still only playing with her food like a bored baby .
19 Yeah , she ca n't obviously talk to her husband about it because George is her ex-husband and he
20 She then literally jumped in her seat as a huge peal of thunder crashed directly overhead .
21 She hurtled over cliffs in flaming cars or was brutally murdered on her way to the dry cleaners .
22 Distraught Sarah Miles was forced to wait twenty minutes for a rival bus — just days after another girl the same age was brutally raped on her way to school in Essex .
23 She got quite enough teasing about her name without letting on about her all-too-appropriate birth-date — and her parents ' hasty marriage was hardly his concern .
24 She was not sure what their present domestic arrangements were and whether there was some splendid woman in the kitchen who had perhaps failed in her duty on this occasion
25 The ‘ drift into a law and order society ’ which Hall identifies did not by any means begin with the accession to power of the Conservative Party under Mrs Thatcher in 1979 , and its effects have hardly disappeared with her resignation in 1990 , but the ideology made its presence most felt in her heyday in the early to mid-1990s ( see Chapter 10 ) .
26 Sinead has since said of her time at Grianan : ‘ I have never , and probably never will again , experienced such panic and terror and agony over anything . ’
27 For once , Our Cilla was utterly biased in her choice of which of the three hopefuls should win Thursday 's star prize : five years of running the country .
28 Over the next few hours , she thought she was succeeding in calming herself , but the superficial serenity proved fragile , shattering when she got home and found Luke comfortably ensconced in her lounge with a newspaper and some overtly erotic instrumental music playing softly in the background .
29 is risk management assistant at Lower Brook Street , and will soon become on her marriage to systems analyst , on .
30 For several weeks after her wedding she had entertained the silly idea that James might look for her , but she was thankful that he never came even though he soon heard about her marriage to Nahum .
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