Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [verb] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When the Foreign Secretary visits the Group of Seven summit in the summer , will he bang some heads together to try to bring forward a new deal for the third world ?
2 When a floorboard is difficult to lift or when you only want to take up a short piece , a floorboard saw is helpful .
3 All of these factors taken together helped to bring about a national sense of economic and political malaise .
4 Many church buildings are so austere and fortress-like from the exterior that the visitor not only has to pluck up a great deal of courage , but also has to exert considerable effort to force open the creaking , heavy door .
5 By creating what it calls a ’ socialist parliamentary democracy ’ , the party hopes to win back both its authority and enough support to carry out a painful reform of the Polish economy .
6 The young lady thus addressed jumped back a prudent pace or two .
7 This situation — where one man , eminent as he is , nevertheless has to carry out a huge amount of work effectively on his own , mirrors the two previous demutualisations — is a situation many believe should not have been repeated .
8 In a good postwar election year , the Conservatives would normally expect to pick up a respectable number of seats in Northern England and to some extent in Scotland .
9 It 's just going to take rather a long time making them admit it . ’
10 If they find a cure for say , lung cancer they 'll just have to chase just a tiny bit and they will do cancer .
11 Truthfully , of course ; I 'd see how it sounded , and if it were too reprehensible , well , I 'd just have to think up a good lie , that was all , right now at the outset , and stick to it until perhaps I 'd begin to believe it myself .
12 Detection of ∼ 1 ng of CREB and ATF1 is easily achieved using only a short autoradiographic exposure and is therefore highly sensitive .
13 If you have ever considered setting up a photographic studio then you will know that there is an awful lot to think about .
14 But they still managed to put up a brave show and could have won had Crusaders goalkeeper Kevin McKeown not stopped a John Drake thunderbolt in 74 minutes .
15 It revs to the 7400rpm red line , but the driver is usually forced to change up a good 2500rpm before then because it 's all starting to get noisy .
16 She also helped set up a convalescent home for patients from the East End after the cholera epidemic of 1867 .
17 The Syndicat also envisages setting up a central register to record the date of founding , the name of the artist , the title of the work , its size and weight .
18 And it also plans to set up a mid-range company by the end of 1993 .
19 It was also decided to draw up a new party programme along social democratic lines in advance of multiparty elections in Slovenia in April .
20 As well as organising conferences and courses the group also helped set up a national awards scheme and backed a number of arts publications .
21 The ministers and presidents also agreed to set up a European Monetary Institute under " stage two " to co-ordinate the 12 national monetary policies .
22 This improvement in relations was reinforced at the biannual Franco-German summit in Paris on April 25-26 , when the two leaders also agreed to set up a joint study on the " future architecture of Europe 's security " .
23 The ministers also agreed to carry out a joint study of the rights of Mercosur countries , under national and international law , vis-à-vis those of foreign companies and investors , with a view to harmonising legislation in the run-up to the creation of the planned trading bloc .
24 The MIDRIFF STRETCH is especially good for eliminating a spare tyre around the middle and also helps to straighten out a double chin !
25 The researchers met the social workers at the start of the study , and after each completion of the schedules , when they were also asked to fill in a brief checklist .
26 This route also means making up a suitable exhaust system and long radiator hoses and leaves a large gap between radiator and engine .
27 They also fail to set aside a holy day for God .
28 Third , an historical analysis also serves to illustrate how a narrow section of the press — the political or quality press — has had a continuing fascination with , and attraction to , the centres of legitimate political power and those who exercise it ; moreover , the relationship between the triumvirate of politicians , proprietors and editors — namely , those who exercise political power and those who seek to bask in the afterglow of the exercise of that power — was never fixed .
29 The child is probably trying to write down a suitable looking word , and has n't said to himself the actual word he has written down .
30 The task did n't stop here — Fiona also had to write up a detailed log of the trip , complete with samples , photographs and complex scientific data showing when the river had high and low tides and why it flowed in a certain direction .
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