Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [noun] for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They 're er , obviously gathering information for a big push then
2 He fell headlong , his arms flailing , and struck the street hard enough to lose consciousness for a few seconds .
3 The programme had changed : a collie dog was now gambolling about , apparently seeking aid for a distressed shepherd .
4 erm , as long as , cos they can only claim benefit for a certain length of time ca n't they ? , then it switches from unemployment to Social Security .
5 Thus the signalman was prevented from inadvertently releasing signals for a second train to enter before the first was clear .
6 The celebration of feasts such as Easter , Christmas , Whitsuntide , Rogationtide , and the Harvest Thanksgiving gave the local community a much needed opportunity for a collective expression of its religious values .
7 In effect , therefore , the collectorship of supply became a gauge of party strength in a county , and unlike the parliamentary elections , the election of a friend only provided security for a single year .
8 He had only known Heather for a few weeks , after all , and may well have been deceived by the impression she had created in Rhodes ' alien environment .
9 I believe again that our members will support the call and in so doing call for a general election to dismiss this totally incompetent government !
10 The catalogue of offences regarded as serious enough to merit dismissal for a single occurrence is sometimes lengthy .
11 That might seem reasonable , except that in China it is quite normal for ailing politicians to be filmed for the evening television news on their sick beds , perhaps receiving wishes for a speedy recovery from solicitous friends .
12 Henry III originated the practice of forcing landowners to take up knighthood , in order apparently to recruit cavalrymen for an overseas campaign .
13 Most gardens only have space for a few trees and in a small plot they are almost always in view , therefore careful choice is essential .
14 Er so we wrote to the heads of the schools and they were quite willing to accommodate er us and then I found out that er Muslims are already taking assemblies for a few years .
15 ‘ I 've just signed Schwarzenegger for a three-movie deal , my wife 's oil paintings are going to be shown in a major London gallery , my son got first-class honours at Oxford and I 've won half a million on the pools . ’
16 Rather than investing in a filter , it may be better to use bottled water if you are just avoiding tap-water for a few weeks .
17 I just had time for a quick glance into its shelf-ridden depths before it closed , and I saw room after room , opening vistas of eternal reading to my gaze .
18 He just had time for a quick coffee ( it was now or never ) , and in the time I took to refill the kettle and put coffee into two clean mugs , I 'd told him .
19 They replaced the roses in the paved garden with low carpeting plants , and the bowling green was swept away to make room for a peaceful enclosure with a pool , a statue , stone benches and a weeping pear .
20 I am convinced that what is needed in initial teacher education is not just to instil respect for a particular form of academic learning .
21 Boyd 's cross was taken on the volley by Ferguson as he deliberately launched himself backwards to make room for a full-blooded shot .
22 Sun Microsystems Inc duly unveiled plans for a European software centre located on the outskirts of Dublin in the Republic of Ireland last week ( CI No 2,1180 .
23 Queen Margaret College yesterday announced plans for a major expansion on to a new campus , costing up to £10 million and aimed at carrying the former domestic science school to the size required for university status .
24 He always found room for a long line of sweet peas ; it gave him immense pleasure to pick an armful of these , take them home , present them to Mum and fill the house with their glorious scent .
25 THE Prime Minister yesterday rejected demands for a full public inquiry into the Beverley Allitt child killer case , with powers to compel witnesses to attend .
26 I often think of you , for example as at a recent and deeply moving funeral for a long-standing friend who had died of AIDS , when I sat inside the church literally underneath/beside your sculpture , but I am an increasingly bad correspondent , possibly as a result of so many letters re jobs !
27 You could always try advertising for a regular babysitter — at health clinics , shop windows , in the paper , and so on .
28 Despite juggling a high-powered job as principal of Prue Leith 's cookery school with the demands of being a mother-of-four and the wife of Citizens ' Charter Minister William Waldegrave , Caroline still finds time for a traditional Christmas .
29 You 'd be right , of course : Citroens which have lost the use of their hydropneumatic systems are sorry beasts , best taken to one side and shot in the neck ; and I 'll admit I was once charged £300 for a new water pump for a CX model , but this is no reason to dismiss them .
30 ‘ When I came back from the war , we still had rationing for a few years .
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