Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb -s] him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The golf fan , if he notices the caddie at all , probably just sees him as the anonymous person who carries the superstar 's bag and is , incidentally , a walking billboard for the sponsor .
2 In terms of an artist who discovers the meaning in the making of a picture , he is , I think , the superior artist , and that Picasso really only matches him in the Cubist paintings where the meaning is found in the material in an extraordinary sense , with dapplings and little markings and so on .
3 It was a remarkable turn around in fortunes for the England No 3 , and almost certainly assures him of a place in the British team for this summer 's Olympics .
4 An alternative theory , and one which , if true , must sadden him , is that China no longer regards him as a threat .
5 As Dick comes to know Count Jasper he no longer sees him as a villain and realises that this inscrutable man is in his own way working for the same ends as the conspirators .
6 It was this more than anything that impelled Havel into active opposition , and there 's little doubt that it 's his reputation as a truth-teller , a man whose word is to be trusted , that most commends him to a nation recovering from constitutional mendacity .
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