Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [subord] the [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 So far as the will to violence went , both sides seemed equally matched .
2 In so far as the approach to a new transaction has not been covered by the general comments made above , much depends on whether the conveyancer is acting for a seller or a buyer .
3 So far as the attitude to his obstruction is concerned , the essence is that it must be shown that the defendant has deliberately brought about the state of affairs that makes it more difficult for the police to do their duties , and is aware that he has done so .
4 Since the proceedings are , in so far as the parties to the main proceedings are concerned , in the nature of a step in the proceedings pending before the national court , the decision on costs is a matter for that court .
5 Since these proceedings are , in so far as the parties to the main proceedings are concerned , in the nature of a step in the proceedings pending before the national court , the decision on costs is a matter for that court .
6 Thus far it can be argued that , if and in so far as the objection to the validity of a pretended Act of Parliament is purely procedural , there is no objection to any court ( and not merely the House of Lords ) making such minimal inquiries as are consistent with Parliamentary privilege in order to ensure that the instrument in question was consented to by the two Houses and did receive the Royal Assent .
7 One refers to his fourteenth year , a little later than the visit to Catherine at Jefferies farm , when he had changed greatly .
8 In common with other facilities of LIFESPAN , SPRs and SSRs are retained in magnetic form for as long as the objects to which they refer themselves exist in magnetic form .
9 Carried by strong winds the rain is capable of travelling hundreds , even thousands of miles , from as far away as the USA to Britain .
10 As far as the reference to the ‘ customary ’ tuning of the 6-string bass , Gibson was referring to what has become the modern standard amongst contemporary players : that is , opting for the low B while keeping the fourths tuning intact across the other five strings .
11 The cold feed to the cylinder and the vent pipe must be at least 22mm in diameter ; it is best if the hot water distribution pipes are 22mm as well — at least as far as the connection to the branch pipe for the bath .
12 It 's a white place , like Wigan which only seems to have a Black population on Tuesday nights when the music from the Wigan Pier nightclub 's jazz-funk DJ draws in young Blacks from as far as the Midlands to body-pop .
13 Cruising along the crest , we could see almost as far as the coast to one side and over Bilsdale mast to the Cleveland Hills on the other .
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