Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [prep] a [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Only when this phase has been completed , and perhaps only for a relatively brief period at the height of a crisis , can a second phase of overt conflict between proletarians and capitalists become manifest ( Przeworski , 1977 ) .
2 perhaps not to a very violent er extent but it 's , it 's , it 's moving .
3 I do n't think we can do it again so soon without a very noisy protest from the Tourist Board . ’
4 how we would accommodate much more with a very tight greenbelt on the erm the sites that we 've actually allocated on our side of Ryedale and take account of greenbelt so .
5 Harry was far better off with a really nice , loving girl like Cora-Beth .
6 The male inmates who were accommodated in the House would be better off in a more suitable institution .
7 I was only here for a very short while , during which time I saw .
8 And anyway , I 'm only there for a very small part of the year ; I spend most of my time at school , where there 's twelve beds to a room … dorm … and one can never be alone , it 's not allowed . ’
9 thank you very much indeed for a very informative talk erm I am actually , myself , er a chartered structural engineer so , what you
10 Thank you very much indeed for a very provocative programme .
11 Further coastal assaults followed , apparently initially of a fairly intermittent kind , with raids on Devon and Cornwall in 981 , Dorset in 982 , and Watchet ( Somerset ) in 988 .
12 The mind was a faulty mechanism at first which had to be dismantled so that it could be put together again in a more perfect harmony .
13 But only very for a very short period .
14 You know when you just do , er I 'm , I am absolutely knackered and I do n't know just not in a very good mood .
15 It is thus precisely through a clearly registered refusal to withdraw from the day-to-day pleasures of thinking , listening , looking and feeling that the sensual references within these paintings remain anchored within socially experienced and theoretically informed sensibilities .
16 I crawled in a fruitless search all the way back to the tree and then turned and crawled away again on a slightly different line , looking , looking , hope draining away yard by yard in progressive debility , resolution ebbing with failure .
17 A little further on a surprisingly clean rag doll caught her eye , which she recognized .
18 The Strategic Study is a three-year research initiative to lay the foundations of a new Institute strategy to help architects practice more effectively in a rapidly changing world .
19 The second is how to elicit people 's preferences , and though score sheets , questionnaires and semantic difference scales have been widely used , the search is still on for a more effective method ( Propst and Buyhoff , 1980 ) .
20 London Scottish top the table with 16 points , with West in second spot with 14 and Newcastle third on 12 , level with Sale , who have played a game less than the top three and are still in with a very good chance of snatching one of the two promotion slots .
21 It was lying on its side with its legs drawn stiffly up to a grossly distended belly .
22 For some architects , the removal of regulations which both provided guidelines for behaviour and also limited the areas in which competition existed has provided a stimulus since they now feel able to compete more efficiently in a less restricted arena .
23 At 1115 , with throttle wide open , Lt Ferris lifted-off the East Wretham runway , once again on a supposedly local aerobatic flight .
24 In these circumstances the Soviet Union has pressed more recently for a more limited regime for the Gulf involving restrictions on the naval presence of the Great Powers in the region .
25 The other contributions are probably mostly of a somewhat facetious nature .
26 The NCVO was supported by submissions from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales and the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants which warned that compliance with the existing non-mandatory SORP ‘ has not been terribly high ’ and questioned if it was reasonable to ‘ subject these entities straight away to a very demanding set of new accounting rules ’ .
27 Stars of this kind are ejecting material , and it has even been suggested that Gamma Velorum may become a supernova in the future , though probably not for a very long time yet .
28 Never before , and probably not for a very long time again will it be possible to recreate such an exhibition , containing as it does important paintings from major Western and Russian museums and private collections , as well as outstanding works from circa fifty provincial and specialised museums in the former Soviet Union .
29 However , it will grow moderately well in a slightly alkaline condition with a pH of up to 7.2 .
30 Whereas pre-marital foreplay averages thirty-two minutes , foreplay between married partners lasts only just over half as long at a rather hasty seventeen minutes .
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