Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [modal v] [pers pn] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So rarely can you actually mess up a document in such a way that is totally irretrievable than the way in which things look .
2 Only so can he choose whether to stay in it or leave , only so can he ever see it clearly enough to try to change it .
3 I said , so so shall we actually save each other time , and we 'll both come in with reasonable , reasonable , till we open our pay , you know , erm , stand-points , and he said , yeah , all right .
4 Freire wanted to bring people to a critical awareness of their real situation in the socio-economic context , only then could they really learn and understand .
5 He wanted , too , to fly out over Cape Wrath itself , and feel the sea-winds rise under his wings , for his father had said that only then could he truly call himself an eagle of Wrath .
6 Only then could she really afford to relax .
7 Once you abandoned the theorist 's armchair and his gloomy study and actually got out there among living tribesmen , then and only then could you really understand what was going on .
8 I would n't mind betting that Bill 's lists that you gave him actually contained all these things and only then can we actually put them down in order .
9 So how could she possibly tell her friend about the almost wild grief she felt at the prolonged absence of her husband ; the deep , stabbing pain in her heart when she remembered their wonderful night of passion ?
10 ‘ Companies ca n't tell you how many machines they have so how can they possibly protect them ? ’ said Ronald Berg , of the Scandia risk-management company in Sweden .
11 She was certain he would not be long , so again would we please sit by the fire .
12 If you think I am wrong , then fine , but you must know it 's bollocks , he must know it 's bollocks , so why must you even try to get this point across in a publication that has such a big influence on budding , enthusiastic players , a lot of whom have no other contact with the rock establishment ?
13 That turned out to be untrue , so why should we now believe these spurious scares about NHS trusts leading to privatisation ?
14 My husband Barry and I are in Box B , and it 's his birthday tonight so could you please wish him a Happy Birmday at some point during the show ?
15 Now , hold on , we 'll just choose the printer before we go any further Can you just put the printer off line , Liam .
16 It is n't a case of wanting them they 're such good knives you do n't get them at that price , too often right can we just have a look at the price of microwaves , while we 're here
17 [ How far away could you really see bloody Arthur 's Seat ?
18 Now how would you actually group those notes ?
19 Okay now then will you please copy precisely what is there at bar ten .
20 For example , if the notion of human rights is a meaningful one ( itself in hot dispute ) , and if it extends to all humans , including the severely and terminally brain-damaged , then how could we logically fail to extend the notion to at least some animals ?
21 The first approach replied that this was all very well but then how could we ever assess the importance of one variable against another in the overall changes ?
22 Then why could we never go out together to places where we might be seen and recognised after we became lovers ? ’ she demanded scornfully .
23 If evolution is simply a matter of selective breeding , then why can we never produce anything other than dogs from dogs , however hard we try ?
24 And if it was so insignificant then why can I still see that first kiss even now ?
25 Yet how could she possibly complain ?
26 Yet how could she possibly feel jealous over a man whom she had so long ago evicted from her heart ?
27 Right , okay well can we just leave this for a minute please because we 're not getting
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