Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] it [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , but you see that was all right because it was going to the Louis Pasteur Institute for Aids , it 's the only piece of important jewellery I 've ever bought myself .
2 The Gay Centre in Glasgow was deteriorating socially , so much so that it was coming to the state where women and others were feeling oppressed by the atmosphere created by insensitive youths who seemed to believe the Centre , including the back room ( our only meeting-place ) , was their seven-nights-a-week preserve .
3 That 's with me , seeing that it was so long before it was diagnosed , that 's why my feet and hands are still paralysed .
4 But — so long as it was made clear that this was a genuine option , and entirely voluntary — we are in favour of lenders in this country at least recommending insurance and pointing out its advantages .
5 The commodity might have been hides , jade , tobacco , salt or precious metals , so long as it was accepted as a means of discharging obligations .
6 He agreed to do homage so long as it was spelt out that Aquitaine should belong to him and his heirs for ever .
7 Efforts to promote group production have been limited , perhaps largely because it was believed to conflict with the strong sense of individualism held by farmers .
8 Because Mr Ross was unconscious , he had been unable to steer his vessel and the craft had drifted two miles out to sea much further than it was designed to go .
9 We 'd all be better off if it were abandoned . ’
10 He hit the pin halfway up and it was going like a rocket — — that was the shot which I think won us the Open .
11 But the anti-clerical and anti-hierarchical sentiments , unless they undermined the faith and declared doctrine ( so far as it was understood ) , were not in themselves heretical .
12 His mission , in so far as it was to reconcile the Nationalists and Communists , was a failure and indeed could hardly have been expected to be otherwise .
13 This unseemly chase after love was viewed with a hostile , overall amusement , for ‘ love ’ had left Annie and Lizzie — and many far younger — long behind and it was valued like jaundice .
14 If you wish you can add a few details about the particular plant and perhaps even where it was collected .
15 His Dad kept it hanging on a nail in the shed and he 'd have noticed right away if it was missing .
16 The water rose incredibly quickly till it was touching the ceiling .
17 Whilst recognising the central role of managers in providing counselling in these circumstances , consideration should be given , in exceptional cases , to whether this form of support would be delivered more effectively if it were separated from the normal manager/employee relationship .
18 All four men stood in the room and Farrell raised the pistol once more so that it was aimed at the agent 's head .
19 OMG president , Chris Stone , said Software AG would certainly be able to bring a product to market much more quickly if it were to use the OMG-compliant HD-DOMS for the task .
20 It still terrified her — ; even more now that it was acknowledged as a portion of her soul .
21 Partly because it was increasing in numbers ; more particularly because it was seeking to gain a foothold in the rural parishes which had thus far been largely impervious to its appeal and especially because , in the era of the French Revolution , anything which seemed to pose a threat to the Church of England established by law was suspect .
22 Furthermore , the Germans and others who in Freud 's time were antisemitic , but who had not yet , as far as it was known , introduced the Final Solution , had been coerced into Christianity quite recently in their history .
23 Erm it would be wrong to say Wales is a weak region on the basis of this , it 's just not , does n't appear , or does n't expect to grow as strongly as it was growing .
24 I was sweating now even though it was getting cooler .
25 We passed Cap Bon ( in the distance ) and Pantelleria , the latter at sea level — which was just as well as it was raining at the time , otherwise we might have missed it and also because we were told afterwards that there was an airfield there with Bf110s .
26 Eventually an equilibrium was reached , and although the Troll flesh was still there Grom was digesting it as fast as it was regrowing .
27 Whatever they ate they kept on getting ill , because Rabscuttle was hiding in the store-rooms and spoiling the food as fast as it was brought in .
28 It was not a professional affair , only a home-movie job , but it worked well enough when it was working .
29 His appointment is thought to herald a tougher security policy particularly so since it was announced that the back bench
30 It will be a whole lot clearer to you then , but it 's there basically because it was asked for , it 's inadequate because that was all they could do on the day , having been instructed to provide it .
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