Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 Radio Renacena is the most widely listened to station in Portugal .
2 Its marbled , fine-grained beef is of very good quality and taste and it is well worth the rather long wait for maturity in spite of the lack of size .
3 I sat on a log among the shadows of creatures now extinct and others long since departed for pasture in the south .
4 Zinc ( 13 µM ) in gastric juice has not been measured previously , but most zinc is only weakly bound to albumin in plasma and this probably explains why the zinc concentrations in gastric juice are higher relative to copper .
5 Balor had never been so rudely awoken from slumber in his life .
6 This work , however , only really came to fruition in Engels 's famous book The Origin of the Family , Private Property and the State , a book which although written after Marx 's death was extensively based on his notes .
7 I still occasional refer to these especially when I need a ‘ refresher ’ so well expressed by Veal in his unique manner .
8 And indeed , even discounting the role so evidently played by nostalgia in Hume 's thinking , it was true that the administration of India , beginning with the viceroyalty of John Lawrence , had become steadily more centralized and more detached .
9 It exists largely as a product of the institutions of higher education ( Sarsby 1984 : 132 ) and has only recently begun to surface in policy and practice .
10 It has to fend for itself , out of a budget that has just about risen with inflation in recent years .
11 Making war in the twelfth century was rather like going on strike in the twentieth : it was a method of exerting economic and financial pressure on your opponent — it was not intended that it should end in his death .
12 Today , it seems , domestic development is much more effectively promoted by integration in a world economy : accepting foreign capital into the domestic economy , with production specialized for a world market ( and relying upon imports ) .
13 Hunt , on the other hand , was — that year at least — a driver more utterly dedicated to victory in the Churchillian sense : he wanted the unconditional surrender of the rest of the field .
14 Terror , counter-terror , torture , and the absolute necessity of violence ( later much more clumsily explored by Leone in A Fistful Of Dynamite ) are relentlessly portrayed , all to Ennio Morricone 's least flowery score ever .
15 Breakage is nearly always associated with digestion in these assemblages , and it would appear that breakage occurs soon after ingestion , with lines of weakness thus exposed being attacked by digestive fluids .
16 Biology , like the other sciences , is partly studied in a laboratory but also partly studied by observation in the world about you .
17 Biology graduates are also well qualified for employment in the newer biotechnology-based industries .
18 I thought of Mac , and Glamour Boy Eaton-Clark , and Henry and Jimmy , and also Rosemary , presumably now living in luxury in Dallas ( as promised by Hank ) .
19 Re-negotiation of steps is very commonly required since theoretical assumptions of difficulty are often not mirrored by experience in practice .
20 Most frequently found on limestone in the wild , it is adaptable to most soils in the garden though it prefers rich and well-drained sites .
21 As strange as it sounds , the great popularity of Hitler already before the war had for the most part little to do with fanatical belief in the central tenets of the Hitlerian racial-imperialist ‘ world-view ’ , and even less to do with belief in the Party , whose leader he was .
22 Perhaps their hippocampal cognitive mapping capacity is simply desperately starved of use in a lab , and so responds almost greedily to the novel inputs offered by neurophysiological stimulation of input paths .
23 There was no hint of any emotion even distantly related to nervousness in those dark , intelligent , ruthless eyes .
24 Their long arms are particularly well adapted to life in trees .
25 Some wrasse are quite unsuitable to be accommodated within the invertebrate , or reef tank , but the genus Cirrhilabrus embraces a ‘ full house ’ of species seemingly eminently suited to life in the reef aquarium .
26 In Nephila , increased male mortality during the adult search phase is almost exactly counteracted by reduction in juvenile male growth stages .
27 Local elections confirmed the trend and their historian has interpreted them as showing that " by 1913 , the Conservatives had rarely been stronger in the Councils of the land , or indeed more poised for success in the forthcoming general election " .
28 The notion of common substance is then usually associated with belief in descent from a common ancestor ( or ancestress ) : from a male first father by male links only ( patrilineal descent ) ; from a female first mother through female links only ( matrilineal descent ) .
29 Furthermore , verbal communication , the prime way of exchanging meaning between human beings who have acquired spoken language , is almost invariably accompanied by communication in non-verbal channels .
30 Can you not imagine the world-wide reaction when it is learnt that not only is America responsible for this potential disaster but that it was almost certainly caused by treason in the highest American military echelons ?
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