Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] go to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When I first went to work , I went and joined the union , there was n't one in the factory I was working in and so I went to the nearest er trade union office and joined .
2 Daily she went to the M's farm and asked Mrs M to teach her .
3 as you turn it up , it 's gon na pull straight , that bit still did n't do it so we went to the other side , put the cramp the other way and having put that one down and that one up , now if you sight that now through there
4 So we went to the sixty six shop and I said what 's wrong with that , pristine beautiful .
5 So we went to the European Parliament in Strasbourg to ask local MEPs the things their constituents want to know .
6 After our return from France we felt that we still did not have the complete story of that operation , and so we went to the Public Records Office at Kew to look up the records of 22 Squadron over that period .
7 So they went to the High Court to challenge the decision and have been given leave to seek a judicial review .
8 So they went to the Kildingy Well which was s supposed to have some kind of magical properties you see and er I do n't ken if it was a a holy well or exactly but it certainly was reputed to have some kind of properties that could cure supposed to cure any disease save the black death .
9 So they went to the Kildingy Well and dipped their flails in the water .
10 five hundred , five hundred I could only say he was n't , five o'clock last night he was no so he went to the one doctor , so to the erm what 's gon na happen when they when he , when they can go down the doctors that 's first of all go into this and after ten , twenty four hours doing this kind of thing for forty eight hours up .
11 So he went to the commanding officer at Binbrook ( who was the one who had recommended him in the first place ) , and said — no thanks , I want to get out .
12 So it went to the National Gallery .
13 And we hit the bar as well , so it goes to the ninetieth minute does n't it , that 's what it is , a fifteen round fight goes to the last second does n't it as some boxers have found out .
14 E. People have some choice of where to shop , but normally they go to the nearest place which has the type of goods they want .
15 Now you go to the same playgrounds and schools where people called me a fag for being an actor and everybody as a Screen Actors Guild card falling out of their pocket .
16 With petit mal , the small fit , it used to called vaguely , you could talk to somebody and then go on nattering away and then suddenly the person would switch off and then just stare and then after a while they come back and talk to you and it 's , they pick up exactly where they 've left off , so as I say it used to be called day dreaming , now that 's the low end of the scale , now we go to the other end of the scale and remember please that there 's no set type for an epileptic , anybody , anywhere , any age at any time can have an epileptic fit , you do n't have to be that type , do n't .
17 Well I went to the last week and I did say that I 'd like to go to that one , I 'll go to as many as I can
18 We played a well we went to the open last year , quite a few of us , and we 're going again er and w It was n't a particularly nice day but we thought if it 's it was a nice day , this would really be a lovely course .
19 Here we went to the British Airways Executive Aircraft desk and were taken out to the Moët et Chandon Executive Jet , which was waiting to fly us to Edinburgh .
20 Thence he went to the English School at St. Omer before entering the priesthood .
21 Well then I went to the British battalion ,
22 So it should be like , your close friends and family in the middle , Bob , who 's my brother , he said he 'd give me an appointment when I come back , I 'll ring him , and then I go to the outer circle for the rest of that phone session .
23 Then we go to the taboo language and if you talk about when you go to the toilet , if you Everybody excuses themselves to leave and that 's both men and women and then somehow you have to say where you 're going , so the women are more likely to use the polite sort of euphemistic kinds of things like they 'd say toilet or loo , whereas the men are more likely to say bog .
24 Sometimes they go to the opposite extreme and seem to have a very lax superego because they relied on their parents to punish them , and subsequently have no internalization .
25 And then they went to the different islands and I remember this for when we were at the hotel me brother and me went across , well me was on it too we were all young then .
26 Then they go to the stupid six hundred which is the same as that .
27 Oh if that 's one 's five then they go to the next on e after that , which is seven .
28 Oh come on Christopher come and sometimes it in the right panel , that 's the right panel there and then it goes in the left hand and then it goes to the right hand and then it goes to the left then right , the left , the right , left , right , left , confusing , but it 's that hand to start with
29 And then he was supposed to meet her there he he went there and she was n't there and then he went to the Red Lion and she was
30 On the one hand the state is reluctant to make them better off than the ‘ good ’ housewife , married and ‘ supported ’ by her husband ( the exact amount of ‘ support ’ decided by him alone ) ; on the other hand , of course , the status of the married housewife is so low that virtually anything going to the single mother makes her better off .
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