Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] go [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually I went along to the British Association of Psychotherapists , where I was assessed and asked if I wanted to see a male or a female therapist .
2 So I went up to the bar , back to the party , and still could n't find her . ’
3 So I went up to the general manager Mr and he he sa told me certainly I can go .
4 So I went up into a tree and I stayed there all night .
5 So I went on into the town , and told them at the castle , and the lord Beringar has set a guard on the place now until daylight .
6 So I went on to the Home Office ; they 've got two employees with the name , but one 's a woman and she 's off having a baby .
7 So I went off to the er at the show .
8 So I went in for a scholarship with the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts .
9 So I went back to the car and got my torch .
10 So I went back to the lady doctor and she gave me a cream and some tablets .
11 I remembered the noise I remembered the noise as we went past the pub , so I went back to the pub and sure enough there were fifty Sorry thirty burly men .
12 Then I became allergic to Durex so I went back on the Pill , a different one .
13 And erm she said all right and I said what do I do with them and she said I 'll put them down in the base at the back and I said all right so I went back on the shop floor just before I was coming out come out .
14 So I went back into the spare room , I was doing some ironing which was on the you know and the next minute the phone went !
15 near Kettering , Don went to er Northampton and then finally I went to Rushden and er I 'd been there about a year and all of a sudden there was a call in for Shorteners at so I went down on the bike and er what er the one over me who , who was elderly , well was n't over me but he was er he was on my job but the senior man on it he come in , the boss had sent him in to have a look cos the er Shorteners were complaining , and er then they rang up for one of us , he said well I 'm not leaving till I 've solved this problem so I had to go .
16 The following morning at nine o'clock I went back to the coffee shop , just to show that I was still around .
17 So she goes up to the first man and she goes , hi , handsome , and he goes , hello , hello and he 's erected , right .
18 So you go along to the next D and there 's no Os there , so you come down , D , no Os , so you keep going along the lines and every time you get to a D you stop
19 So we went back to the basics to see whether we could ask the Government to abolish the ‘ cohab rule ’ altogether .
20 Lots of friends were at collieries because they were colliers 's sons anyway tt and er so we went down about a job .
21 I , I said I was sp you were speaking to an expert er so we went off at a blind tangent .
22 So we go back to the house .
23 Together we went back to the lodgings , she packing her belongings , both of us braving the landlady .
24 Erm it allows domestic farmers to produce their so they go on to the world market and they 've got everybody else these things
25 Together they went back inside the villa .
26 Together they went out into the back garden .
27 Now , however , Freud expands that concept as well and interestingly enough he goes back to the first term he used for repression .
28 So he goes out into the storm and into wild nature , together with ‘ the wolf and the owl ’ , while his daughters and son-in-law close their doors on him ( 306ff . ) .
29 And so he went on through the calculator to get the number of ways for ten buttons — 3,628,800 .
30 So he went round to the pool and noticed , at first , how the neat tables were littered with old newspapers and the ashtrays loaded with cigar ends .
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