Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] at " in BNC.

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1 So I would suggest that regional and sub- regional policies need to occur much higher up the list and er perhaps I would put them at number one if not number two .
2 I thought , so I 'll leave it at that
3 So I 'll see you at the course tomorrow . ’
4 Perhaps you would phone me at home ( ) during the week running up to this date to let me know where I need to meet you .
5 Perhaps you could drop me at the nearest bus stop or railway station , ’ she added .
6 So you 'd do it at the weekend ?
7 But erm I feel perhaps we should do it at least over a period , you know rather than
8 So we 'll leave it at that that we erm the chief executive will be happy to receive your comments , reports , feelings .
9 So they can e-mail me at my normal address .
10 What was needed was a good control system which would tell them where in the organization the problem lay so they could tackle it at source .
11 Right we 'll leave it at that then .
12 It 's nothing to do with this job , I just like to drive past whenever I can because sooner or later I 'll catch him at it .
13 Well I 'll drop you at the paper shop while I go round
14 Well I 'll drop you at the paper shop while I go round
15 We have brokers here who will sell them at best .
16 Well you can start it at seven o'clock if you like I do n't mind .
17 Frequently they would meet us at the Sunday-school gate , and we would go for a walk before tea .
18 Maybe I 'd set him at ease by saying ‘ g'day ’ , but he looked like he 'd known me all his eight years , and leant quite steadily on me for the drive to Robert 's parents ' cottage , where we arranged photos .
19 then I used to scrape it at night when we 'd finished .
20 If they work , then I can introduce them at senior level . ’
21 Maybe you can get it at a knock down price .
22 Yeah , well okay then we 'll do it at that meeting and work it out then right ?
23 It would be very useful if we could trap all this data and stuff it into a file , then we could study it at our leisure .
24 and then they can expect them at the end of like x amount of time to be able to take over a department , then when it falls apart they 're gon na be the one to take it .
25 I have here a copy of the committee which was formed that night , and also a copy of the minutes , I 'll give each Councillor one , and then they can read it at their leisure , instead of me taking up the whole meeting .
26 Then he could dissect it at will .
27 The demands made by the rebels provide the clearest guide to their grievances , and according to the Anonimalle Chronicle those put forward by the Essex men at Mile End on 14 June were that they should be allowed to seize and punish traitors , and that no man should be made a serf nor do homage or any type of service to a lord in return for land ; instead they should hold it at a rent of 4d. an acre .
28 Actually you 'll meet her at dinner on Thursday night .
29 Ideally we should launch it at the 40th Anniversary Celebrations and hold the Draw at the Annual Reunion in November .
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