Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [modal v] [be] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 So I 'll be obliged if you two gents would drink up and leave . ’
2 Perhaps you might be persuaded that Mr Henderson of Branbury Castle also falls into this rare category .
3 Who they were , and whether the party 's appeal should be confined to the quarter of a million or so who might be described as ‘ proletariat ’ was something that had yet to be defined .
4 The image of a body simply can not do justice , we are saying , to the reality of — and our complex emotional reaction to — overpowering physical realities like the sea or the night-sky ( however much we may be told that the stars are a twinkle in God 's eye ! ) .
5 He said it 's every single way because that 's there must be a reason but he said they 're not getting priority so we 'll be left that he said
6 Perhaps it might be disputed whether , after living in the USA for nearly half a century , Miss McPartland is still British .
7 Perhaps it might be claimed that the major important variables in measuring population growth rates and their causes are technically easier than those measuring soil erosion rates and their causes .
8 Perhaps it will be suggested that there is an incoherence in setting out to have partly false beliefs , but that there is no similar incoherence in setting out to have emotional conflict and even a certain amount of chaos in one 's behaviour .
9 Perhaps it can be said that , when people are searching for meaning , they are at the beginning of a journey , not at the end of it .
10 Adultery has been a hanging matter — both in this and in the usual sense of the phrase — for the literature of the past , and perhaps it could be suggested that both senses may at times be presented to the mind by what Amis does with the subject , and that there is no striking difference in this respect between what he did in the Sixties and what he has done in the Eighties .
11 So it might be assumed that Scott 's design was placed higher than the other Gothic entries because it showed the two offices as separate structures , rather than one .
12 So it may be said that the legislation was promoted by a pressure group whose perception of Co-operation was decried by the Consumers ' Movement ; and passed under a Tory rather that a Liberal Government because a trade union tried to make a tactical use of just that form of co-operative preferred by the promoters and decried by the Consumers ' Movement .
13 The official receiver as convener of the meeting can require the bankrupt to attend the meeting ( r 6.84 ) and so it must be presumed that matters regarding the bankrupt 's activities can be raised by either the official receiver or those present .
14 To ensure that this is so it must be agreed that it is regarded as being beyond the capacity of the individual to alter , that is , it has to become ‘ sacred ’ , or enshrined in a ‘ god ’ .
15 So it can be understood that planned breeding is not a new idea .
16 So it can be seen that what was originally a technical question of the definition of tolerable rates of soil loss is a crucial , and deeply ideological one , and therefore not amenable to the cut-and-dried standards of proof on empirical grounds .
17 So it can be seen that the Wolverton Royal Train , with this modern programme , will move into the 21 st century , giving Wolverton Works the unique role of conveyors of Royalty through three centuries .
18 So it can be seen that the parties will usually be excused further performance of the contract , either partly or entirely , according to what is a reasonable presumption of what the parties would have intended .
19 So it can be argued that adoption is in fact a less successful aspect of child care policy than it appears .
20 Er , a few handlebars and whatever else and , but , but but do n't do it like the British bikers , do it like an American bar , so it can be cleaned and
21 So it should be assumed that a similar number of those who changed in the ‘ right ’ direction were similarly ill-informed about their new choice , and just happened to end up in the ‘ right ’ group by chance .
22 So it could be said that Michael Palin 's whose career went against what his father wished for him — All the more unforgivable because , unlike his father , he has followed ‘ my natural inclination ’ — and succeeded .
23 The Ife smiths were so self-confident that they seem always to have allowed a casting to cool slowly inside the mould instead of splashing cold water over it so it could be opened and checked quickly , which is the usual modern African practice , The slow cooling allowed the metal crystals to grow .
24 By about six o'clock it would be finished and the rezdore , the housewives in the dialect , would clear the tables and do the washing-up , gossiping and laughing .
25 An upper jaw from Samburu Hills appears to have gorilla-like morphology of its teeth combined with thick enamel , which is very much what would be expected if thick enamel is identified as an ancestral hominine character .
26 So what can be done if you live near er a naval town or North sea support town to actually get that oxygen into the bloodstream ?
27 In 1935 , after the Murrells débâcle and the dawning realization that very little which could be described as administration had gone on in Masai District , the Tanganyika government did in fact begin to give some serious thought to the type of man which should be sent there .
28 What they seem to be saying about outcomes of adoption is quite positive but nevertheless we should be warned that the heady days of ‘ no child is unadoptable ’ are in the past .
29 Already we should be persuaded that the Bank has considerable power to influence monetary conditions .
30 Nevertheless it may be said that Elizabeth Taylor was more often at her best in each successive collection of stories , though I do not know that she ever surpassed the brilliant study of deception in the title story of A Dedicated Man .
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