Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [verb] [pron] with the " in BNC.

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1 So you try it with the sixes see if they work try it with the sevens try it with the eights see what works .
2 Well he , he , he given them a free cup of coffee it 'll be alright , but he did n't , he gave , the machine took ten P pieces so he provided them with the ten P pieces to put in and then when it was full up he 'd empty it out and give them all ten P pieces back
3 I 'd rather you had it with the no sound in here see if you can beat your re what 's your record ?
4 Again I felt that terrible pain and sickness , but a few seconds later I found myself with the face and body and character of Henry Jekyll once more .
5 Now she identified herself with the future , as freedom was breaking out everywhere , and Labour with the failed past .
6 Exactly yeah and then when you can do that when you can balance on one leg now we try it with the ball and see if we can kick it and then kick it harder and make it go exactly where you want to .
7 There have been a few moments during the making of Aspel and Company which have aged me considerably — but then I comfort myself with the thought that life would be very dull without any crises to get the heart racing .
8 If there are criticisms then I accept them with the same magnanimity which Martin claims I do not possess .
9 I met him at Aunt Alicia 's because he rented half the house , and then I helped him with the horses .
10 Sometimes she exasperated herself with the stupid ideas she had .
11 Sometimes they confuse me with the hon. Member for Walthamstow ( Mr. Summerson ) — I am the hon. Member for Wanstead and Woodford , and unemployment in my constituency has not risen to quite the extent that he suggests .
12 Then they beat him with the pipes once again , but when they realized that he had managed to keep his secrets from them , that this small Englishman was not for talking , they turned on him in their fury and kicked and beat him until they feared they had killed him .
13 ‘ You think you buy into somewhere crime can not reach and then it hits you with the worst kind . ’
14 It was to be another seven years before Franklin returned to his first love as commander of the Erebus on his most famous — and fatal — mission to find the legendary north-west passage from the polar seas to the north Pacific ; until then he occupied himself with the social and moral improvement of the colony under his charge .
15 Then he hit me with the butt of his gun and the next thing I remember is coming round to find my colleagues crouched anxiously beside me .
16 Its defence mechanism is not rapid reproduction like the greenfly , instead it surrounds itself with the familiar frothy blob of air bubbles that it forms as it spits out the sap it has taken from the plant — instead of spitting it back into the plant .
17 I think it 's from the organization 's point of view , from our statement of purpose , business plan , yeah , we do want people to achieve certain things , and therefore we provide them with the training to be able to do that .
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