Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [noun] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps my allegiance to the latter may in part be conditioned by the fact that grew up in its company , in which case I should similarly prefer Fritz Reiner 's 78s of the Shostakovich Sixth ( Columbia , 6/37 ) , which I also bought as a schoolboy .
2 Only his progress to the second round of Wimbledon last year proved more lucrative .
3 They also carry away his body to the white ship at the time of his passing .
4 They 've each got ideally a circle and a line so they have identical features but they 're different letters so clearly , I mean it 's quite obvious , it 's not only the features present but also their relationship to the other features that 're present that determines what type of letter is recognised So any model of perception would have to take that into account .
5 The aim of this study is to trace the emergence and development of the political ideology of Ulster Unionism as a basis for understanding both how they perceive their national identity and position within the United Kingdom and also their reaction to the Anglo-Irish Agreement .
6 However it was in Brazil that he had learned Portuguese — hence his posting to the former Portuguese colony in Africa .
7 Again marketing budget at two , six , seven , the point made there again , numbered item one in the bottom third no national advertising and then two sixty eight , this is a meeting of the twenty fifth of February nineteen eighty eight , present including Mr and yourself today I send that 's Mr pointed out that so far our reaction to the recent media criticism had been totally defensive in future these actions to be defended , but then attacked in order to regain our credibility were you indeed present at that meeting of the twenty fifth of erm February ?
8 Sometimes his route to the nearest safe place involved scrambling over loose rock , or entailed ladder climbing to escape from a stope , with his only source of light a guttering candle held in the hand , or stuck to his hat with a blob of clay .
9 The European Council reiterated too its commitment to the European Monetary System as a key factor of economic stability and prosperity in Europe [ while endorsing the view ] that the recent financial turbulence calls for reflection and analysis in the light of developments in capital markets and in the European and world monetary systems …
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