Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] being a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the past it hovered uneasily between being a rival to gold in jewellery and coinage and being a highly versatile industrial material .
2 We did n't seem to worry too much about being a couple of strokes off the lead .
3 It is an amazing sight , the more so for being a waste of time .
4 The banks have any number of excuses for this further move away from being a friend to thrifty and sensible private and business customers .
5 Colour printing is moving rapidly from being a novelty to being the required method of output .
6 It 's actually too thin to be uncomfortable , funnily enough ; none of the sharp edges even come close to being a nightmare for the rib cage .
7 This period was notable also for being a time of near unbroken peace .
8 The one unmissable lot in this sale of Latin American art will be Rufino Tamayo 's ‘ America ’ , both for being a landmark in his art and in the history of Latin American painting and quite simply for its size : at 13.9 x 4 metres ( 45′8″ x 13′3″ ) , it is one of the largest movable oils on canvas in the world .
9 Be before you were chosen by whatever process a number of us was asked to comment and one of the things I felt it important to say was that the URC plays a very important role both in being a bridge between all these nations but also serving a particular reform tradition within Wales .
10 Far from being a jackpot for commuters , the compensation payouts are hardly likely to be worth the flutter .
11 Far from being a symbol of modern decay , it was a symbol of prosperity .
12 That approach builds teamwork and self-reliance and far from being a cost to the company is a benefit — unless it happens to be the kind of company that requires its employees to operate as autonomous automata .
13 But then the other faction , the shattered remains of the erstwhile " confident " party , had argued rather differently … far from being a sign of collapse it was , in fact , a sign of the Collector 's resolve , his determination not to submit to oppression , to fight back , in other words .
14 Far from being a challenger for power , it could not even hold on to its old citadels .
15 Whether one tries to illustrate subsidiarity by an upturned pyramid or a spiked helmet is irrelevant : Sir Christopher 's definition makes it clear that , far from being a guarantee for decentralisation , ‘ subsidiarity ’ is a blank cheque for more and more power to be transferred to Community level , just as the principle 's enshrinement in the German constitution has led to massive centralisation of power and expenditure in that country .
16 Pascal warned that ‘ hearsay is so far from being a criterion of belief that you should not believe anything until you have put yourself into the same state as if you had never heard it . ’
17 Peter Brown in his most recent and profoundly important book Body and Society demonstrates movingly how sexuality had so different a social meaning from what it now carries that the sexual abstinences , the noisy and sometimes virulent demands for chastity and virginity , within the early Church , far from being a symptom of self-hatred and dualism , were a radical political claim to the coming of the Kingdom : a claim which women , sometimes even more than men , could make .
18 Far from being a conclusion of the ‘ consumer-led ’ revolution beloved of propagandists , the change is the child of a retail revolution which , for the consumer , constitutes only a re-arrangement of his or her individual powerlessness . ’
19 In recent years there have been many attacks on what is sometimes called the classic realist novel on similar grounds : that far from being a means of communication it is a means of ideological domination and repression , reproducing on the cultural level the processes of industrial capitalism , making its audience passive consumers , reconciling them to their alienated state instead of liberating them from it , by making it appear normal or natural .
20 The passivity of the electorate , so far from being a cause for concern or even regret , was viewed with positive approval : " The belief that a very high level of participation is always good for democracy is not valid " , Lipset magisterially announced .
21 Adam Smith even argued in 1763 that ‘ war is so far from being a disadvantage in a well-cultivated country , that many get rich by it .
22 Professional interventions , far from being a source of help and support , are often another cause of upset and trouble .
23 Far from being a source of cheap labour , the country has a talented work-force and the route forward is application of those skills , and their revolution by way of involvement and training .
24 Far from being a piece of inappropriate sentimentality , such utopianism has a toughness of purpose .
25 Far from being a blot on her tenth anniversary as Conservative leader , the withholding of the doctorate perfectly crystallised the cultural change that she has wrought …
26 When the firm became Bell Lawrie in 1986 he became managing director and the firm changed simultaneously from being a partnership to a limited company .
27 But for now the company are content to be doing well by being a cut above the rest .
28 Instead of being a development of an inherent or generally available faculty , it is a specialized technique wholly dependent on specific training .
29 Model making Instead of being a showcase of new modelling talent and the supposed depth of the new models , ‘ London Girls ’ ( FACE 45 ) turns into an unbelievably petty and hateful attack on the supermodels themselves .
30 Instead of being a dream of individual salvation through competition , hard work and thrift , it had been perverted by the ‘ tyranny of the majority ’ into putting loyalty to the organization first .
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