Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] a few [noun pl] and " in BNC.

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1 The Threarah waited politely for a few moments and then he said , " Well , now , and what ought we to do about it , I wonder ?
2 Gannets and fulmars appeared out of the mist , flew alongside for a few minutes and disappeared again .
4 They rolled around on the ground together for a few moments and then the boy 's mother came out and gave him Sergeant 's leash .
5 And now , to cap it all , poor Byford had to be the first army victim of the latest IRA tactic — Flying Columns-compact bands armed only with a few rifles and automatic pistols , moving soundlessly at night along country lanes on foot or on bicycles , and waiting behind roadside hedges — waiting for hours , days if necessary — for a patrol to come along .
6 Though separated from his Guard , Napoleon apparently remained in company with Soult , Bertrand and Drouot who , together with a few officers and an escort , were seen at Quatre Bras at 1 a.m. on 19 June .
7 and can be preceded by ( e.g. ‘ squelch ’ , ‘ bulge ’ ) ; is never preceded by , and is preceded by only in a few words and names , e.g. ‘ Welsh ’ , ‘ Walsh ’ , .
8 He turned away for a few moments and I could see that he was upset by the news .
9 He chewed away for a few moments and then nodded with pleasure .
10 The jeep driver was pleased at the opportunity to get away for a few hours and we set off about 3 p.m. , arriving in the area of the Highland Division a short time later , after following their divisional signs along the country lanes .
11 The opening ‘ The Basement ’ is most disturbing , Blood explaining what can happen when your parents go away for a few months and leave you with your crippled sister : ‘ It started out with spankings with the neighbour looking on/She paid her daughter 's boyfriend who would whip me all night long … ’
12 The opening ‘ The Basement ’ is most disturbing , Blood explaining what can happen when your parents go away for a few months and leave you with your crippled sister : ‘ It started out with spankings with the neighbour looking on/She paid her daughter 's boyfriend who would whip me all night long … ’
13 just for a few bits and pieces and any extras and
14 and even if you do n't it 's gon na c you know And er you get a few choice words and then eventually you say Well well look we 'll go outside and sit outside for a few minutes and d and wait till you 've decided what and do n't forget i time you kn you kn
15 Tony sat quite still for a few moments and then parked his car on the wasteland at the side of the theatre .
16 It goes straight for a few yards and then bends round the corner into blackness .
17 Jenkins published little except a few articles and reviews , notably his devastating critique of A. S. Barnes 's Bishop Barlow and Anglican Orders ( 1922 ) ( JTS , vol. xxiv , 1923 ) .
18 When a dog does start to show signs of becoming difficult about a visit to the surgery , you may want to arrange with your vet simply to walk up to the waiting room , pause here for a few moments and then return home .
19 When I am tired and think , ‘ I do n't want to do this any more ’ I just tell myself that it might not be here in a few months and that there 's probably a million who would kill to be where I am .
20 Some think that he will go abroad for a few days and the CIA will then engineer his return in a countercoup , just as it did in 1953 .
21 Edward appeared to think hard for a few moments and then got up and left the room abruptly .
22 Stay there for a few minutes and you will begin to experience one of several sensations : it may be a slight breeze , or perhaps a tingling sensation , heat ( especially in the palms ) , static or even a magnetic pull .
23 The sudden change of colour on the wall had upset its sense of direction and it buzzed about angrily and eventually it came into the porch where I was sitting and it stayed there for a few minutes and then went outside searching the wall again for the entrance .
24 When I was in Jordan in nineteen sixty five studying Arabic , I helped the Save The Children Fund operation there for a few months and this was undoubtedly one of the most enjoyable and interesting short periods of my life and I look back on it with great warmth and affection and as your Royal Highness knows , it happens also that many , many years ago before you were our president , my father occupied your office and I therefore come to this meeting today with some knowledge of the fund 's activities and with great admiration and respect for all the that the fund has achieved .
25 They drove on silently for a few minutes and then Mrs Lomax suddenly spoke .
26 Dexter had seethed silently for a few weeks and mentioned his anger to a priest during confession .
27 He watched her face as she scanned the street and the square ahead for a few seconds and then moved on .
28 Water again after a few days and start feeding in June .
29 Well I suppose at the , one of the best things , best examples of the difference was that my wife when she saw this house , knew that it was a house in which she could be happy , in which her tastes and , could spread themselves , erm rather than her tastes having to be curtailed by lack of space and lack of accommodation , erm , the fact that I had a garage which was essential er next to my house instead of some er quarter or twenty minutes ' walk away from where I lived as happened in London also made a terrific difference to comfort , erm the fact that there was a garden instead of a few windowboxes and a couple of tubs , all these things I think made one appreciate the fact that you 'd come , not only into a new town , but into a new way of life probably the fact that we had a staircase inside the house , which was the first time that we 'd had a staircase between our bedrooms and our living rooms
30 Because that was a politician 's I 'll play that trailer for the Sunday breakfast show again in a few moments and get you terribly excited .
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