Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] the same way that " in BNC.

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1 J. B. Watson in 1914 and other behaviourist thinkers ( Hull , Skinner ) believed that an acquired behaviour element , the conditioned reflex for example , could be made to account for all behaviour , because such an element could be treated as a ‘ building block in theory much in the same way that nineteenth-century physicists used ‘ atoms ’ to build up a theory of matter .
2 It still maintains with blithe equanimity its opinion that active smoking , let alone passive smoking , does not cause disease — it has only been shown to have a ‘ statistical association , ’ much in the same way that sexual intercourse might be denied to ‘ cause ’ pregnancy .
3 Here also there was a much older history of troughs and orogenies , most obviously the late Precambrian and Palaeozoic trough of Timan , which makes a narrow angle with the northern Urals , much in the same way that the " Palaeo-Rockies " make one with the later Rockies .
4 Although the structure which is presented is an ideal — similar indeed to the Ten Commandments , nevertheless in the same way that the Ten Commandments are relevant to our legal system so the principles which underlie the Pentateuch are relevant to economic life — principally because they express universal truth .
5 So I 've said before that erm Mill wants people to vote just in the same way that people cast their votes in a jury on the basis of what 's right .
6 Rather in the same way that the mite of scabies sets up an allergic reaction , in certain people infected with candida an intense irritation occurs , which may be quite out of proportion to the degree of infection .
7 It is almost as if the modern mind , unable to tolerate cultural restraints , and feeling that discontent in civilization which Freud described long ago , had become so intolerant of the demands of communal existence and civilized behaviour that it saw each and every representative of those restraints as an incitement to revolt rather in the same way that an enraged revolutionary mob , thirsting for the blood of its oppressors , might fall on some unfortunate bystander merely because he happened to bear a resemblance to the head of the secret police .
8 And what we 've done now , and with colleagues from Germany , is to take cores off north west Africa , say about twenty metres down into the sediment , we sample them in the lab here and took the small amounts of sediment and examined them for these long chain compounds and we were extremely excited to see that as we went down this core , back through the last few hundred thousand years , we could see our signal on sea surface temperature oscillating about roughly in the same way that er has been found with other methods of getting at the past history of the climate .
9 If you had the inner relief road those figures would in fact therefore change quite dramatically in the same way that the A sixty one figures have changed .
10 I think he could see things that he wanted to do individually , maybe in the same way that Hendrix did .
11 Quite , providing there was only one representative , and we were n't overburdened , providing it was clearly understood that they were there almost in the same way that a local member would be , to speak on a given item , and not to vote , then I do n't think we 'd have any objections , but it 's entirely up to the Committee , how do you feel ?
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