Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For dynamic recognition , processing may proceed from left to right through the text with subject codes of new words being compared to a ’ running profile ’ of subject codes taken from previous words .
2 Pat 's fly-tying classes will run right through the autumn till Christmas and resume with a new run early in the New Year .
3 Thus , within the discipline of literature , there must be a place not only for poetry , but also for nineteenth-century German poetry , and a place somewhere for the use of fibre optics in cable television .
4 He spoke powerfully about the insecurity of football and the potential dangers behind every challenge .
5 The thermometer watch can measure either air or water temperature — presumably for the benefit of winter swimmers .
6 Lockwood believes that clerks are in a position of ‘ status ambiguity ’ which falls somewhere between the degree of status enjoyed by the middle and working classes .
7 Some were in use as fulling mills whilst others were used predominantly for the grinding of barley for brewing the monastery 's beer supply .
8 Whereas Levinas , like Habermas , posits an authentic language of expression which abhors the distortions of ‘ rhetoric ’ , Derrida argues that such alterity is constituted not through dialogue but rather through the operation of language itself : Levinas ' transcendence-as-surplus is therefore redefined as a Derridean supplement .
9 ‘ Behind Bars ’ at the new , huge , non-profit Threadwaxing Space on Broadway is not as you might suspect a show of political art about prisoners ' rights or even about the exotic lives of cocktail waitresses but rather about the stripe in art .
10 Indeed it was hoped that overall adjustment would take place successfully through the cooperation of member countries in accepting such rules of conduct .
11 This was done successfully through the use of patois both defensively and offensively by the group .
12 But I knew that my island was somewhere off the coast of South America .
13 It has been said , in the first place , that they are used to throw into relief the particular property in the noun phrase which is of interest to the speaker ; that is , that adjectives are used postnominally for the sake of emphasis .
14 ASL compensates by using compound signs such as TABLE/CHAIR etc. for the concept of furniture .
15 She complained bitterly about the lack of information she was receiving .
16 McClellan 's system has been used successfully as the foundation for provision at his former authority of Tottenham Public Libraries , and a handful of authorities still use those ideas today in modified form .
17 Mountain Rescue get little trouble from ramblers , since their rambles rarely take them off a bus route , and you can sometimes spot them at the sides of the road , gazing into a hedgerow as their leader tells them a little about the history of couch grass .
18 Before attempting to answer that question it is necessary to understand a little about the function of disease in our lives .
19 Having worked in ICI , I know a little about the management of industry .
20 This allows estimation of chronology and the identification of regional types , but it says little about the organisation of manufacture and dispersal .
21 Mary of Guise had infinitely more ability and determination , but for the first twelve years of the minority she had no official role in government , and throughout the whole period her main interest lay in achieving a French marriage for her daughter , even if that meant doing little about the existence of Protestantism .
22 " A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland " written by Martin Martin who was a doctor in Skye was published in 1703 and mentions Finlaggan , the mines , forts , caves , the well that moved itself here from Colonsay , and gives a list of churches , but tells little about the way of life .
23 " A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland " written by Martin Martin who was a doctor in Skye was published in 1703 and mentions Finlaggan , the mines , forts , caves , the well that moved itself here from Colonsay , and gives a list of churches , but tells little about the way of life .
24 It said little about the state of football at Athletico , but quite a lot about the lefty , New Age lecturers who encourage students at the Tech .
25 We know remarkably little about the process of dissolution in Sussex , but it seems to have gone fairly peaceably .
26 Except in a reference to the composition of Sweeney Agonistes , he wrote little about the place of alcohol , or any other narcotic , in literary creation .
27 Proust 's Faubourg St Germain was acutely aware of differences between them , but they tell us little about the distribution of power in France .
28 The Audit Commission was established in 1982 to address this issue and has campaigned vigorously for the introduction of performance review considering this an appropriate response to many of the problems perceived to be afflicting local authorities .
29 Nevertheless , it may be prudent to provide expressly for the payment of rent where , for example , the property remains empty while the tenant is seeking to assign his lease .
30 Empowerment through widespread use of communication of information has been seen by Clark ( 1979 ) to be a key feature of the ringi-ko decision-making system , where printed documents circulate widely through the enterprise for comment and discussion .
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