Example sentences of "[noun prp] hold the [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The old man and the sea : more than 50 windsurfers in the Pripps Energy Tiree Wave Classic in the Hebrides hold the attention of an island crofter .
2 Current chairman : President Pierre Buyoya of Burundi chairs the organization for the current year from February 1990 , with Rwanda holding the chairmanship of the Council of Ministers .
3 The Steward was generally a nobleman of the highest rank : the Earls of Kent , Worcester , Essex , and Surrey held the office under the Yorkist Kings .
4 Hope held the position for a few moments more to rest his leg and get his breath back .
5 Curtis held the stare of the glowing , hate-filled eyes .
6 Mrs Yardley 's husband had lost his job recently , and Phipps held the mortgage on the little cottage they were so proud of .
7 The village of West Witton in Yorkshire holds the ceremony of the ‘ Burning of Bartle ’ on the Saturday nearest to 24 August , St Bartholomew 's Day , to whom the local church is dedicated .
8 At the other end of the scale , Dall holds the record for the most powerful single-lens microscopes .
9 This shows Hercules holding the Hydra by the neck of the only visible head with his club raised ( rig .
10 WMGO holds the account in the UK , while BBDO holds it in Italy .
11 The opening address to the summit was given by the UK Prime Minister John Major , the UK holding the presidency of the Security Council for January .
12 Willie held the knife above the cake , screwed up his face till he had thought of a wish and then plunged the knife into the icing .
13 They sat side by side on the hearthrug : the fire caught : Daniel held the toasting-fork to the grate .
14 And presently , as Jack held the paddle like a brake and let them in by inches , a third , without petals , a pale disc trailing tendrils of weed .
15 President Theodore Roosevelt holds the record for the number of hands shaken at an official function ?
16 Le Monde reported on Oct. 1 that the dispute was likely to be placed before the UN Security Council during October , while France held the presidency at the Security Council .
17 Newman held the automatic in the palm of his hand .
18 ‘ I think I 'll risk a wee bit of the lantern , ’ Biff held the light over the yawning opening , lifting the corner of the cloth .
19 WALES holds the record among the regions for the number of organisations actively involving themselves in getting new lines opened , new stations added and services improved .
20 The city 's importance was owing to the new Emperor , Charles Habsburg , succeeding his grandfather in 1519 to become Charles V. The House of Habsburg held Germany and Spain , and Milan and the eastern end of Lombardy held the key to a potential land bridge between the two — a bridge desired by Charles and feared by France .
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