Example sentences of "[noun prp] who have [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The guys at Mill Hill who had worked on the Jura alien had been very cagey about this , apparently , but I think Mr Marr said there was a lot of stuff about mind control .
2 ‘ Every man must have somewhere to go , ’ Marmeladov tells Raskolnikov who has dropped into the pub after his ‘ rehearsal ’ of the murder .
3 It is not just the great majority of the people of Scotland who have suffered at the hands of Lamont and the Tory Government , but people all over the UK .
4 We seem to have a number of people in Scotland who have dropped off the bottom of the matrix list .
5 His Formentera representative is Gina Wenham who has lived on the island for 20 years .
6 together with the Bishop of Chester , applied on 12th October for his removal ; the Goldsmiths complied , paid £5 to a Mr. Nicholson who had taught at the School in the meanwhile , and made John Cobb the new Master on 8th January 1602 .
7 He spoke to Miss Senga who had stepped off the path to look at a snowman .
8 There was also James Robertson Justice who had starred in the ‘ Carry Ons ’ direct ancestors , the Doctor In The House series .
9 My sleep/wake clock had bust a spring and I was worried about the fact that it had been Billy Tuckett who had dropped through the skylight .
10 Finally my thanks to Ian Lucas who has worked with the staff of PFK on a freelance basis on this month 's magazine .
11 This from Werewolf who had come up the stairs behind me , his arms loaded with parcels .
12 ‘ Bet she wishes it was the dashing Dieter who 'd gone over the cliff ! ’ she said cheerfully .
13 After the initial excesses which followed the reoccupation of Belgrade , the grand vizier declared an amnesty , and many Serbs who had fled into the hills and the impenetrable oak forests of Šumadija returned to their homes .
14 Senator McGowan 's chief concern was for ‘ the poor people of Fintown who had to stand beside the sod ditch ’ and whose future was now being jeopardised by people who ‘ wanted to get on the bandwagon ’ , but he complimented Councillor McCaffrey ‘ if he has shares ’ , though he said he had none himself .
15 Unlike the kings of Israel who had aspired to the title of ‘ Son of Yahweh , Jesus displayed utter trust in his heavenly Father though the outlook was black as night ; utter obedience to his Father , even though it would take him to a cross ; and utter readiness to suffer — in bloody sweat there and then , and the blood , sweat and hell of crucifixion thereafter .
16 It 's exciting though , David Lloyd who 's popped into the box again .
17 I bet you and I , Flavia , are the only people in St-Jean who have heard of The Economic Consequences of the Peace .
18 They followed Miss Williams 's directions to the Morgan family , and knocked on the door , being let in promptly by the stocky WPC who had stayed in the house with the women of the Morgan family .
19 She told Princesse Mathilde that she wanted to find the son of her old friend Andrzej Potacki , yes , yes , the Andrzej who had died with the partisans after the war .
20 The communist CGIL trade union confederation on Sept. 4 reconfirmed as its leader Bruno Trentin who had resigned at the end of July [ see p. 39025 ] .
21 Remember , I assumed you knew it was Jennifer who had broken off the engagement and the reason she did so . ’
22 In resigning the South Bronx district seat which he had held since 1978 , Garcia followed the example of fellow Democrat Mario Biaggi who had resigned from the House of Representatives in August 1988 after being convicted in connection with the Wedtech affair [ ibid . ] .
23 It may even be that it was done to make possible the appointment of this particular scholar , a native of Bosnasarayi who had taught to the level .
24 In May 1788 , immediately after Pitt had persuaded the Commons to agree the slave trade would be debated in the next session , the mainly Quaker members of the London committee , accompanied by Thomas Walker and Thomas Cooper from Manchester who had come to the capital to inspire urgency , formed a deputation to prepare MPs for the forthcoming discussion .
25 They housed , apart from the indigenous Scottish families , Jewish immigrants from Russia and eastern Europe who had fled from the pogroms endemic to these lands ; and thousands of Irish families who had likewise fled , not from murderous Jew-baiters , but from the potato famine of the 1880s .
26 Unstated was the belief that the American Central Intelligence Agency had a hand in the downfall and death of Lumumba who had appealed to the USSR , and thereby upset the United States and also Britain ( Macmillan wrote ‘ our long-term interests would best be served by … a Congo Government … largely depending on American rather than Russian aid and support ’ ) .
27 Those in Norfolk , Northamptonshire and Suffolk were to remain but the tutors in Bedfordshire and the Cambridgeshire area were to be withdrawn and there was to be no replacement for the one in Essex who had resigned in the previous year .
28 She was n't the same Juliet Avery who had cycled to the hospital yesterday morning , blithe and carefree .
29 I have appointed to a new post — the director general of resettlement — Major-General Burden who has returned from the British Army on the Rhine .
30 ‘ Sole ’ of my Saviour , she thought and started to giggle , but then she had to take up Jitka who had fallen by the kneeling board and was crying .
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