Example sentences of "[noun prp] who have [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The guys at Mill Hill who had worked on the Jura alien had been very cagey about this , apparently , but I think Mr Marr said there was a lot of stuff about mind control .
2 ‘ Every man must have somewhere to go , ’ Marmeladov tells Raskolnikov who has dropped into the pub after his ‘ rehearsal ’ of the murder .
3 It is not just the great majority of the people of Scotland who have suffered at the hands of Lamont and the Tory Government , but people all over the UK .
4 We seem to have a number of people in Scotland who have dropped off the bottom of the matrix list .
5 His Formentera representative is Gina Wenham who has lived on the island for 20 years .
6 The news came as a crushing blow to the cast and production team on the £10million set in Spain who had hoped for a reprieve after a recent upturn in viewing figures .
7 The news came as a crushing blow to the cast and production team on the £10million set in Spain who had hoped for a reprieve after a recent upturn in viewing figures .
8 together with the Bishop of Chester , applied on 12th October for his removal ; the Goldsmiths complied , paid £5 to a Mr. Nicholson who had taught at the School in the meanwhile , and made John Cobb the new Master on 8th January 1602 .
9 He spoke to Miss Senga who had stepped off the path to look at a snowman .
10 There was also James Robertson Justice who had starred in the ‘ Carry Ons ’ direct ancestors , the Doctor In The House series .
11 Jonathan Swift , despite his attitude toward Stephen Duck , had already taken an interest in Constantia Grierson who had trained as a midwife .
12 My sleep/wake clock had bust a spring and I was worried about the fact that it had been Billy Tuckett who had dropped through the skylight .
13 Finally my thanks to Ian Lucas who has worked with the staff of PFK on a freelance basis on this month 's magazine .
14 Then there was a big cheer from the 18th and we thought it was Nicklaus who 'd holed for a birdie .
15 This from Werewolf who had come up the stairs behind me , his arms loaded with parcels .
16 ‘ Bet she wishes it was the dashing Dieter who 'd gone over the cliff ! ’ she said cheerfully .
17 After the initial excesses which followed the reoccupation of Belgrade , the grand vizier declared an amnesty , and many Serbs who had fled into the hills and the impenetrable oak forests of Šumadija returned to their homes .
18 Senator McGowan 's chief concern was for ‘ the poor people of Fintown who had to stand beside the sod ditch ’ and whose future was now being jeopardised by people who ‘ wanted to get on the bandwagon ’ , but he complimented Councillor McCaffrey ‘ if he has shares ’ , though he said he had none himself .
19 Unlike the kings of Israel who had aspired to the title of ‘ Son of Yahweh , Jesus displayed utter trust in his heavenly Father though the outlook was black as night ; utter obedience to his Father , even though it would take him to a cross ; and utter readiness to suffer — in bloody sweat there and then , and the blood , sweat and hell of crucifixion thereafter .
20 Such dramatic examples of commercial self-interest were not in reality offset by the more representative efforts of companies such as Unilever , Mitchell Cotts and Booker McConnell in English-speaking Africa , or CFAO in French-speaking Africa who had invested on a long term basis for relatively modest returns .
21 It 's exciting though , David Lloyd who 's popped into the box again .
22 I bet you and I , Flavia , are the only people in St-Jean who have heard of The Economic Consequences of the Peace .
23 They followed Miss Williams 's directions to the Morgan family , and knocked on the door , being let in promptly by the stocky WPC who had stayed in the house with the women of the Morgan family .
24 She told Princesse Mathilde that she wanted to find the son of her old friend Andrzej Potacki , yes , yes , the Andrzej who had died with the partisans after the war .
25 The communist CGIL trade union confederation on Sept. 4 reconfirmed as its leader Bruno Trentin who had resigned at the end of July [ see p. 39025 ] .
26 Remember , I assumed you knew it was Jennifer who had broken off the engagement and the reason she did so . ’
27 In resigning the South Bronx district seat which he had held since 1978 , Garcia followed the example of fellow Democrat Mario Biaggi who had resigned from the House of Representatives in August 1988 after being convicted in connection with the Wedtech affair [ ibid . ] .
28 He left the room and Newman swung round to face Monica who had remained like a piece of the furniture during the whole time since he 'd arrived .
29 She is very cross with Henry Green who had said in an interview in a French newspaper that she was a governess .
30 It may even be that it was done to make possible the appointment of this particular scholar , a native of Bosnasarayi who had taught to the level .
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