Example sentences of "[noun prp] who [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The metal was originally exploited by the Indians of Colombia and Ecuador who recovered it in the form of grains and occasional nuggets from gold-bearing alluvial deposits of rivers draining into the Pacific .
2 Reid 's star began to rise with a vengeance last year when he became associated with the stable of Peter Chapple-Hyam who provided him with the horse every jockey wants to have — a Derby winner .
3 Taskopruzade 's grandfather , for example , studied under Molla Yegan , probably at some time alter 839/1435–6 , and it was Molla Yegan who recommended him for the post at Taskopru .
4 Alexander , his third son , was educated at Harrow and Cambridge where he met , as well as Manners , Benjamin Webb who introduced him to the Cambridge Camden Society .
5 The road was owned by Mr Dalison who gave it to the parish , in 1892 and it was made up at the cost of £40 and the improvements to the cemetery cost a further £21 140 .
6 In Germany the privilege of driving it was handed to Mario Andretti who crashed it on the first lap .
7 As for the Crown of Sorcery , it was recovered and taken back to Altdorf by the Grand Theogonist of Sigmar who placed it in the deepest vault of the Temple to be guarded for eternity by powerful spells and iron locks .
8 The subject is believed to be Gian Giacomo Caprotti , a pupil of da Vinci who joined him at the age of 10 , later becoming one of his lovers .
9 When it came to electing a successor to the deposed Archbishop Fitzherbert at Richmond ( North Riding ) on 24 July 1147 , Bishop William opted for Henry Murdac [ q.v. ] , favourite of the Yorkshire reformers , against King Stephen 's candidate ; presumably it was Murdac who released him from the suspension he incurred for failing to attend the Council of Reims in March 1148 .
10 ‘ Mr Fernie , Detective-Constable Edwards who interviewed you on the morning after Mrs Connon was killed , said in his very comprehensive report that you had noticed the police arrive the previous night .
11 It was poor Jacob who caught it in the neck .
12 Illuminated in Tours around 1520 , it contains twelve full-page miniatures of the emperors and was possibly made for the library of Francois I. The manuscript has a distinguished provenance : it belonged at the Jesuit College de Clermont Library in Paris and later to the celebrated English collector Sir Thomas Phillips who considered it among the finest of his 60,000 manuscripts .
13 He attempted to dribble a Stephen Brown back-pass from out of his goal area but the ball broke for Ferris who chipped it to the far post where the lurking McBride made it four with a diving header .
14 It was last exhibited in 1945 at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam and was sold to its present owner , private French collector Jacques Walter , in 1954 by Wildenstein of New York who bought it from the collection of Mrs Alice Kurtz .
15 It was Agnes who saw them to the door , and then into their car .
16 The Picts are said to have fiercely resented their subjection to the Saxons and attacked Ecgfrith who defeated them with the help of his sub-king ( subregulus ) , Beornhaeth ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 19 ) , probably between the Avon and the Carron ( in Manau of the Gododdin ) .
17 It was their own form-master Sam Sylvester who got them into the trouble in the first place .
18 Corsie 's semi-final opponent tomorrow will be Gary Smith who beat him in the final of the UK Championship five years ago .
19 Corsie 's semi-final opponent tomorrow will be Gary Smith who beat him in the final of the UK Championship five years ago .
20 It was Alice Mair who directed him to the cottage .
21 He was immediately joined by Louise who pulled him towards the marquee .
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