Example sentences of "[noun prp] which [be] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When the Soviet Union intervened militarily in Afghanistan the British Foreign Secretary , Lord Carrington , rapidly proposed a plan for Afghanistan which was approved by the Council of Ministers of the EEC and adopted as a joint EEC declaration on 15 January 1980 .
2 Among the many places to visit are : the 12th-century abbeys of Jedburgh and Melrose ; Abbotsford House , the stately home of Sir Walter Scott which was financed by the Waverley novels ; and the 16th-century Thirlestone Castle , home to a fine collection of china , furniture and paintings and the Borders Country Life Museum .
3 A traditionally holy part of Dakota which was seized by the American government , stripped of its mineral wealth and never returned to its rightful owners , the hills house a world-famous testament to white power .
4 When a Masai killed a European farmer in the Sanya corridor — from which the Masai had been evicted — in 1955 , it was the shame and distress of all the other Masai which were emphasized by the administration .
5 Rye is officially what is called an ‘ Ancient Town ’ attached to the Cinque Ports , those small ports along the coasts of Kent and East Sussex which were fortified against the French ; so necessary were they to the Crown that , in 1278 , they were given legal privileges : exemption from taxes , the right to rule themselves and appoint their own judges .
6 The area of Newham which was excluded from the study was the north-east corner of the borough which includes Manor Park .
7 The beneficiaries are not small farmers except in a few isolated cases where costs and benefits are seen to be equally shared ( e.g. in Sukhomaj Village which is discussed in the CSE report , p. 14 ) .
8 The exhibition ends with the remnants of the statue of Stalin which was destroyed on the night of October 23 , 1956 , to show the collapse of a main feature of that sad era — that of the cult of personality . ’
9 The apparent paucity of copper may result from the emplacement of relatively anhydrous granites into tectonised and anhydrous metasediments , especially in the Dalradian and Moinian sediments of Scotland which were metamorphosed during the Ordovician Grampian orogeny and the later Caledonian event .
10 I have in front of me a copy of the data sheet produced by the company which makes it , which was incidentally the same company which made Opran , do you remember Opran which was withdrawn from the market , it 's just
11 Reducing the emphasis on ‘ selling him up ’ and making it more possible for creditors ' claims to be met out of a debtor 's future income was one of the main objectives of the Insolvency Law Review Committee chaired by Sir Kenneth Cork which was appointed by the Government in 1977 and reported in 1982 .
12 Thus , his primary task is to serve dependent UK plants of ICI , most of them either on Teesside or in north-west England which is linked to the former by pipeline .
13 One is for Flowers for the Altar , one for St. Anthony which is given to the poor who come looking for help at various times of the day and night , and the third is for Sending a Sick Child to Lourdes , the cost of which is approximately £350 .
14 But first , work 's been going on throughout the day to clear-up the Broomloan Stand at Ibrox which was damaged at the end of the big match last night .
15 Both introns display all distinctive features of group I introns ( 2 , 39 ) and , moreover , are members of subgroup IA which is characterized by the existence of an additional stem-loop in the P7 region ( P7.1 ) ( 19 ) ( Fig. 4b ) .
16 However she was unable to attend , having been under house arrest in Burma which is ruled by the military , for the past four years .
17 The canton of Glarus lies between this mountain barrier in the south and , in the north , the Walensee ( lake ) and the Linth Canal which in the short northern plain links Walensee with the eastern extension of Lake Zurich which is known as the Obersee , ( ie , Upper Lake ) The canal also drains former marshland between these two lakes Glarus , though one of the smallest cantons , is often described as an epitomy of Switzerland as a whole in that it has three geographical sectors : a vast area of mountain country , a moderate stretch of rolling upland plateau capable of settlement what the Swiss call Mittel-land ( literally , middle-land ) and a small area of real lowland .
18 I expect you were thinking about the virginal conception of Jesus which is described in the Gospels of Mathew and Luke .
19 The best were in the city of Budapest which is divided by the river Danube into the hilly right bank where Buda is situated and the flatter lands opposite of Pest .
20 A growing disenchantment with this policy , and with other developments at the museum , including the Turner Prize , reached a climax in an unsigned profile of director Nicholas Serota which was published in The Independent on 28 November 1992 .
21 At the present time there are 709 Bureaux in the United Kingdom which are registered with the National Association of Citizens ' Advice Bureaux ( NACAB ) .
22 Parents can entrust their offspring to the Mini-Club which is located between the beach and the square which offers supervised activities for 2–11 year olds and an adventure playground open from morning until evening .
23 AZT which is sold under the trade name of Retrovir was once thought to offer real hope to people carrying the HIV virus .
24 The fact that the charge is one of capital murder does not exclude that possibility : Woolmington v. Director of Public Prosecutions [ 1935 ] A.C. 462 , 482–483 , per Viscount Sankey L.C. , a decision of the House of Lords which was noted in the judgment of this Board in Anderson v. The Queen [ 1972 ] A.C. 100 , where both the Court of Appeal in Jamaica and the Board applied the proviso in a capital murder case ( see also People v. Rosario , 213 N.Y.S. 2d 448 , in which the proviso was applied ) .
25 There is also a surplus of H.E.P. which is transmitted to the industries and towns of Central Scotland .
26 The Duke and Duchess of Kent were represented by Captain the Honourable Christopher Knollys at the Memorial Service for Marjorie , Countess of Brecknock which was held in the Guards Chapel , today .
27 Section 27 expresses it well : ‘ This once-for-all atoning work of Christ , realized and experienced in the life of the Church and celebrated in the Eucharist , continues the free gift of God which is proclaimed in the gospel . ’
28 Our examination of each doubt will tell us two things : first , about the deficiency of faith which has caused the problem , and second , about the sufficiency of God which is needed as the answer .
29 FRCN Kaduna 's Hausa current affairs programme Alkawari Kayane had reports directly from its own correspondent in Minna which were carried in the FRCN programme being relayed there by Radio Niger .
30 The artist Trevor Stubley at work on a portrait of Hannah which was exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery
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