Example sentences of "[noun prp] would [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There was no doubt that Hari would buy from the same supplier as the Grenfells and what if Hari had an outstanding bill ?
2 On Aug. 28 it also announced that , in complete collaboration with NATO policy-making , the WEU would put at the immediate disposal of the UN almost 5,000 troops , along with transport and logistical equipment .
3 Rabuka had by June 2 secured an understanding with the FLP leader Mahendra Chaudry according to which the FLP would participate in the new legislature .
4 So would be the One Thousand and One Nights ; and a later times stories such as She by R. Haggard , and Lost Horizons by Hilton would come in the same category .
5 It may be that the Protestants of Northern Ireland would acquiesce in the new kingly order .
6 The only fight Laker would have with the big airlines thereafter was in the American courts , suing them under the anti-trust laws for driving him out of business .
7 Stalin adhered to the agreement because he wished to maintain satisfactory relations with the United States if possible and perhaps because he felt that sooner or later Korea would fall into the Soviet sphere in any case .
8 20–4–1906 For the Communion on 6th May it was arranged that the Rev. D. Munro would preach on the Fast Day ( the Thursday before ) , the Rev. D. I. McInnes would take the Gaelic service on the Sabbath and the Rev. A. McLaren Young of Southend , Campbeltown the English services .
9 Joy would happen across the unexpected delight of street theatre or a parade , while Gloom might attract muggers and crooked salespeople , or witness a street fight .
10 On 29 October representatives of Norwich were informed at a meeting of Mr. Wells ' opinion and grounds for it and that the board of Lautro would meet on the following day to consider a written report by Mr. Wells upon the business undertaken by Winchester .
11 On 29 October representatives of Norwich were informed at a meeting of Mr. Wells ' opinion and grounds for it and that the board of Lautro would meet on the following day to consider a written report by Mr. Wells upon the business undertaken by Winchester .
12 The international mediator Lord Owen said yesterday that talks between the Croatian government and Serbs would begin at the United Nations next week in an effort to renew a peace agreement blown apart in recent fighting .
13 Rod , who hoped Renee would doze for the whole flight , was on his way to record an album .
14 Savage little pig , Rose would shout as the hard gums clamped on to her , then she 'd jiggle her , pleased at the child 's appetite .
15 Mr Hodgson explained that in buying up so many small firms , who really could no longer make ends meet , he , Howard Hodgson , could do better and cheaper funerals and that no one need worry about the cost any way , because if the deceased or whoever was taking the responsibility of next-of-kin possessed less than £300 , the DHSS would pay for the whole thing .
16 Whereas the Commission 's draft treaty proposed the creation of a single European currency supplanting national currencies , the " hard ecu " as proposed by the UK would float alongside the existing currencies in the exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) of the European Monetary System ( EMS ) .
17 Philip would stand behind the black-masked torturers waiting for Eudo to speak .
18 An NLD spokesperson announced on Jan. 29 , 1990 , that a recent NLD conference had decided that the NLD would participate in the forthcoming elections , contesting 452 of the 492 constituencies .
19 Once again Charles was astonished how easily Malcolm would fall for the oldest cons in the business .
20 After the shopping Denis would sit in the orderly room , watching his father write in ledgers twice as wide and twenty times as thick as his school exercise-books , or he 'd gaze longingly at the Royal Irish Constabulary uniforms of his father 's colleagues with their shining buttons and belts hanging neatly from pegs on the wall , the caps , the spiked helmets and the little pill-box hats of the cavalry police lined up , as if on parade , on a table along with whistle-chains , handcuff-cases and batons .
21 Carter Commercial Developments said shoppers in Clacton would benefit from the extra choice .
22 Later , in City Life magazine , Morrissey would speak of the backstage situation .
23 I wondered how the redoubtable Inspector Drew would react to the Daily News initiative , and hoped I would hear a verbatim account of his first interview with Toby Greenslade .
24 Some evening she and Andrew would separate on the halfway landing and go up by different flights to meet and kiss at the top .
25 After the play , he and Maggie Smith and Peter Shaffer would assemble at the Seven Stars for a late dinner .
26 Over the weekend , when it still seemed possible that Baldwin would resign in the next few days , Sydney Arnold and Lees Smith advised MacDonald not to take office , on the grounds that a Labour Government would be bound to fail and that the party would then be ‘ overwhelmed ’ .
27 The ‘ British Blizzard ’ which raged through Val d'Isere overnight blew away the super giant slalom and started many wondering how Albertville would cope with the 1992 Winter Olympics schedule if there was a repeat .
28 That meant , above all , that America would signal to the Soviet Union that it had no intention of rubbing Moscow 's nose in its defeat .
29 Slovene President Milan Kucan estimated that the process would take at least six months , and he promised that during that time Slovenia would negotiate with the federal government to avoid financial and administrative conflicts .
30 Thomas McNamara , the US ambassador to Colombia , stated that Colombia 's drug policy was also on trial , but he expected that the USA would co-operate with the Colombian authorities by handing over evidence against Escobar [ see p. 38001 ] .
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