Example sentences of "[noun prp] would [verb] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 On Nov. 29 it was announced that Gorbachev would visit Moldavia on the following day to address the republic 's Supreme Soviet , but the visit was cancelled at the last minute , reportedly because Dnestr Russian and Gagauz deputies had announced that they would boycott the session .
2 The President of the World Bank , Barber J. Conable , and the Mexican Finance Minister , Pedro Aspe , on Jan. 24 , 1990 , signed agreements under which Mexico would receive loans from the World Bank worth US$450 million .
3 Regulations adopted by the Council and Commission in Brussels would form part of the law of the United Kingdom , without any intervention or endorsement by Parliament .
4 The resulting redrawing of constituency boundaries meant that French-speakers living in the suburbs of Brussels would become part of the Flemish province of Brabant surrounding Brussels and would thus lose the right to vote French speakers into the regional parliaments .
5 His manure was not sold ( as Red Rum 's had been ) , nor had his exploits been celebrated in song ( as was the case with Arkle , Red Rum and Dawn Run ) , but his fans were not sold short : there were books ( three ) , video tapes ( two ) , countless portraits , a white rocking horse called ‘ Dessie ’ , sculptures and figurines ( some of which actually bore a resemblance to the horse ) , an official fan club , and even a recorded phone message on which Desert Orchid 's part-owner Richard Burridge would update worshippers on the well-being of their idol .
6 Under this heading Lord Diplock would include breach of the rules of natural justice , failure to act with procedural fairness , and failure to follow procedural rules which are expressly laid down .
7 Sometimes Finch would leave Yolande in the morning for the studio and not return for several days .
8 She put in an urgent call to the local gendarmerie , wondering as she did so whether Officer Hassan would take charge of the case .
9 The Australian singer 's manager , Mr Ray East , said Donovan would accept payment of the remainder over 18 months in a gesture aimed at ensuring that the magazine did not go out of business .
10 Air force units of the former Soviet Union stationed in Turkmenistan would become part of the Russian Federation armed forces .
11 Later , ashamed , Two-Dogs would picket screenings of the films he had appeared in , although he admitted in private that many times as a young man he had eaten well at a movie commissary when he would otherwise have starved .
12 So it was decided that Oliver would help Sikes with the robbery in two days ' time .
13 The granting of a Palestinian state in Gaza by Israel would protect Egypt from the ignominy of surrendering Gaza to Israeli sovereignty , its principle objection to Israel 's Gaza plan offer .
14 Pressure on the government for military retaliation increased significantly , and Arens confirmed that " we are going to respond even if there is not a single other casualty " , but he also said that Israel would take account of the US , UK and other appeals not to disrupt the anti-Iraq coalition .
15 At a press conference on Nov. 16 Li Peng announced that China would provide Pakistan with a 300,000 kw nuclear power plant .
16 In 1984 the UK conceded that in 1997 , upon the expiry of the lease on the New Territories , China would regain sovereignty over the whole of Hong Kong .
17 In 1984 the UK conceded that in 1997 , upon the expiry of the lease on the New Territories , China would regain sovereignty over the whole of Hong Kong .
18 Sam would place bets on the horses for him , as Dad was unable to write a slip , nor comprehend form .
19 Johansson estimates that under such a plan Sweden would gain $40 for every tonne of carbon it does not produce that it would have produced under market forces alone .
20 No doubt if such a condition were not written into the Act , the trial judge and the House of Lords would have regard to the significance of the adoption of the procedure for litigants and to their wishes in exercising their respective discretions to grant a certificate or leave to appeal .
21 A special Hexagonale session in Venice on Nov. 30 , without the participation of Yugoslavia ( which was a member ) , decided that the presidency of the organization would go to Austria as of January 1992 , rather than Yugoslavia , and that in future , the Hexagonale would attempt co-operation with the " Yugoslav nations " .
22 Dunbar was to run the art gallery attached to the shop , Miles would take care of the books .
23 John Kendall would lead Doone to the quarry , who was himself .
24 Sir Denys Henderson would remain chairman of the two groups .
25 He had taken a personal interest in them ; there , he said , a little pettishly , Edouard would find room for no complaints .
26 Under the agreement ( i ) NASA would pay US$10,000,000 to the Russian aerospace organization NPO Energia for detailed technical studies of Russian hardware , particularly the Soyuz-TM spacecraft , for possible use as an " emergency " lifeboat for the planned US Freedom space station ; ( ii ) NPO Energia would provide information on the automated docking system used with the orbiting Russian Mir space station , the Progress cargo transport spacecraft for possible use with Freedom , and Mir 's potential to perform long-term life science experiments .
27 Following an announcement by the Prime Minister , Sir Aneerood Jugnauth , on Oct. 22 that Mauritius would break ties with the British crown [ see p. 38520 ] , the Legislative Assembly on Dec. 10 passed the Constitutional Amendment Bill , under which Mauritius , a constitutional monarchy since its independence in 1968 , would become a republic within the Commonwealth on March 12 , 1992 .
28 It was agreed at the meeting that MCC would contribute £25,000 towards a coaching trip to disadvantaged areas of south Africa by former West Indian batsman Conrad Hunte .
29 Just like Dass would get hold of a pair of curtains .
30 After this it was , for Bolsheviks , a moot point whether revolution in Europe would mean independence for the colonies , as Trotsky believed ; or whether , as Marx had originally argued and Stalin now suggested , colonial revolution , particularly in Asia , could hasten the overthrow of European capitalism .
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