Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [vb base] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ironic compliments were paid to Pierre , Donna and Raoul for the potency and effect of their acting and Raoul played for sympathy and looked nobly forgiving , holding a handkerchief to his nose and peering at it for blood , of which there seemed to be not much .
2 The enterprising walker could reach Cape Matapan and look for the cave entrance to Hades .
3 Iris and her group were absent , it having been agreed before they set off that they would have lunch in St-Jean-du-Gard and telephone for the mini-bus from the station at Anduze on their return .
4 The publicity surrounding the Gates visit was seen as part of US moves to put increased pressure on the Iraqi government , as were other " covert " US-backed activities — a propaganda campaign inside Iraq and support for the creation of a single leadership of Iraqi opponents to the regime .
5 The ballet is also based on the traditional Russian wedding rites which prepare both Bride and Groom for the ceremony before the wedding feast .
6 When Gilbert decided to leave London and apply for the post of curator at the museum of the newly established Natural History Society of Shrewsbury , Gould wrote a glowing letter of recommendation on his behalf .
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