Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [vb base] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The fellow looked furtively round , licked his lips , and beckoned Corbett and Ranulf into a shadowy window recess .
2 The constellation has a distinctive shape , and there are lines of stars extending from Castor and Pollux in the general direction of Betelgeux .
3 Fighting around Monrovia intensified between the NPFL and ECOMOG in the ensuing 48 hours .
4 The last task of the day for the humanitarian branch is to visit the village of Mammari and speak to the local farmers .
5 In 1884 , disenchanted with his life at Eton , Salt decided to live at Tilford in Surrey and concentrate on a simple life , following his many interests in the field of humanitarianism .
6 The Duchess of Gloucester , as Patron , visits the offices of Counsel and Care for the Elderly , at 16 Bonny Street , London NW1 .
7 11 October : The Duchess of Gloucester , Patron of Counsel and Care for the Elderly , today visited the Counsel 's new offices at 16 Bonny Street , London NW1 .
8 Details of provision can be obtained from social services and from organisations such as Counsel and Care for the Elderly and GRACE .
9 Natasha Lebedeva and Nastya Kharina live in Russia and go to the English Language School in Perm .
10 If OUP are entirely satisfied with the method of text capture and with a reasonably large proportion of the machine-readable output ( say , the equivalent of one volume of OED ) , there is no reason why the first editing phase , i.e. the integration of OED and Supplement into a single work , should not be begun , assuming no other technical problems prevented this .
11 But hit-man Fashanu used his 30th birthday party to dismiss Shearer and call for the international return of Arsenal 's Ian Wright .
12 By convention , ACS gives a result in the top 2 quadrants ( 0 to PI-0 to 180 degrees ) and ASN and ATN in the right-hand 2 quadrants ( -PI/2 to +PI/2 — -90 to +90 degrees ) .
13 I thought I could read Wordsworth and forget about the damned queue . "
14 Therapy ? kick off sounding like Nirvana and end with a final guitar stroke that imitates The Beatles .
15 At one stage Glasser is invited to look at a tenement close — by Bernard , a Communist who was to fight in Spain and return with an altered mind .
16 The Northern Arts ' Writers Awards 1992 will give two writers the chance to take off to Ireland and work on a literary project free from the distractions of everyday life .
17 ’ ‘ Mon and look at the nice show in the League of Nations place , or thae big battleships and bombers painted on the walls over there .
18 The charts given here are a little misleading , because Deneb has to be drawn on one section and Vega and Altair on the other , but the overall aspect is obvious enough .
19 Among those who generously gave up their evening to help the NCH and perform on the tiny temporary stage were : Nerys Hughes , Angela Rippon , Susan Rees accompanied by May Parry ; Penelope Keith , Robert Powell , Tamsin Little , accompanied by Vanessa Latarche : Wayne Sleep who gave a perfect performance on a tiny stage ; he was accompanied by Mark Latimer ; young Xan Blacker , also accompanied by Vanessa Latarche , Cor Meibion Gwalia , and Shirley Anne Field .
20 When the British were attacked for their role in the Boer War , Hyndman and Quelch for the British Social Democratic Federation prepared a dossier on the crimes of other imperial powers as the basis for condemning all — and so exonerating the British as no worse than the rest .
21 But these days not even a king 's ransom would tempt ‘ Arry to ditch Yorkshire and return to the bright lights of London .
22 In February , the first , the Almirante Brown , was handed over by Blohm and Voss to the Argentinian navy in a quiet ceremony on deck .
23 In March 1915 Beatrice decided to leave Montparnasse and move to the Right Bank , to Montmartre .
24 One possibility was " to write off the Shah and proceed on the unpalatable consumption that Mosadeq is the indisputable ruler of Persia and the only bulwark against Communism " In the end , however , the prime minister advisers decided that it was almost prudent for Britain to follow the American line .
25 Gesting Associates of Bingley , W. Yorks are the sole UK distributors of two media , CeraFoam and BioKern from the German company BioPlast .
26 , William Marcus Joseph ( 1798–1883 ) , member of Parliament , was born in Ireland 17 April 1797 or possibly in 1798 , after the death of his father , the youngest in the family of two sons and two daughters of Marcus Beresford , MP ( grandson of Sir Marcus Beresford , first Earl of Tyrone and counsel to the Irish revenue commissioners ) , and his wife Frances Arabella , daughter of Joseph Leeson , first Earl of Milltown .
27 The alternative is to defy the IMF and live with a massive deficit , at least until the second budget next December .
28 This , however , is caused by the presence of clay minerals in the carbonates , which decrease in abundance upwards away from the Grauer Salzton and result in an anomalous log response .
29 They took-off from Croydon on July 30 , 1936 , flying via Vienna , Athens , Aleppo , Bushire and Jask on the Persian coast , towards Karachi .
30 It is a much more complex conception and much more pictorial ; indeed it resembles the Apollo and Muse on the little cup ( fig. 112 ) , though that is simpler .
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