Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [noun] at [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Kahnweiler , who was in continual contact with both Picasso and Braque at this time , realized at once that with the type of painting created by these artists in 1910 ( and of which the Cadaquès paintings are the most extreme examples ) Cubism was entering a new phase .
2 It would be difficult to find more suitable candidates for postmodern metafictionality than the novels of Simon and Robbe-Grillet at this time .
3 Since there was normally free passage between England and France at this time , ‘ there was an intermingling of styles that often make it difficult to determine the place of origin of a manuscript and its artists ’ .
4 He embarked in the Janet Izatt , and died at sea or in a port somewhere between Sydney and London at some time between February and June 1843 ( the ship 's log has been destroyed ) .
5 According to a report in NIN ( 9 November 1986 ) , the memorandum claimed that the prewar Comintern was hostile to Serbia , that the Serbian delegates to the second session of the Anti-fascist Council of National Liberation of Yugoslavia in 1943 ( at which major decisions were taken about the postwar composition of Yugoslavia ) were elected not by organizations within Serbia but by Serbian personnel who were in the partisan armies in Bosnia and Herzegovina at that time , and that postwar Yugoslavia was largely under the control of Tito , a Croat , and Kardelj , a Slovene .
6 Moreover , in none of these surviving volumes is there any sign of interest or skill in the rapidly developing scholastic disciplines of northern France and Lorraine at this time .
7 The affinity between France and England at this time could be illustrated by the fact that the diplomatic representatives of both kingdoms studied at Paris .
8 If Manau Gododdin was annexed by Oswald and Oswiu at this time , the Anglian frontier in the north would now march with those of the Britons of Strathclyde to the west and the Picts to the north .
9 It is almost impossible to judge the attitudes of the non-noble Poles of Danzig and Pomerania at this time — and even less so the attitudes of the Kaszubians .
10 If it is true that kings only legislated when faced with an urgent need to enhance their standing with their subjects by prestigious acts of law-making , the appearance of royal codes of law in Kent and Wessex at this time may reflect something of the very considerable crisis through which these regions had recently passed .
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