Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [pron] [noun sg] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Lecturers voiced their overwhelming support for Mrs Falconer and her sister at a meeting at RGU yesterday .
2 The next Thursday , after still more work on pensions , we took the abolition of SERPS and its replacement by a compulsory occupational scheme to Cabinet .
3 ‘ What d' you two young buggers want ? ’ he grinned , as he fastened the buckle of his wide leather belt ‘ We 're taking Molly and her mate for a picnic Selwyn , ’ Yanto replied Selwyn 's nut brown , weathered face split into another grin .
4 At the end of the visit Archipenko told Modigliani to help himself to the fruit and vegetables in their garden which he took back to Jeanne and her mother as a peace offering .
5 He is now out and as soon as he returns is to accompany Lady Franklin and her party in a vessel round the island as far as Port Davey and Macquarie Harbour , which you may easily see on the map .
6 As well as three dustjackets for John Lehmann and another for Collins , he illustrated Leaves of Gold : An Account of the Ancient Craft of Goldbeating and its development into a Modern Industry , an account of the Whitfield Street factory run by George M. Whiley , Ltd .
7 No sooner had I equipped Gillian and her Squire with a cup of Formosa Oolong than I asked her how old she was , what she did , and whether her parents were still alive .
8 And , flushed with success , they treated Sam and his mother to a celebratory ride round the block before leaving the pair to get down to the essential business of a trip to the shops for a new plastic seat .
9 " You 'll notice that we are standing to the left of the throne , " said the governor , addressing Joseph and his mother in a stage whisper .
10 If I understand him correctly , he is proceeding to make an argument for putting Polaris and its equipment into a bargaining regime with the Soviet Union .
11 The first Leopold heard of it was when his son coolly informed him that he was accompanying Aloysia and her father for a few days to visit the Princess of Orange at Kircheim-Bolanden , where Aloysia was to sing several arias that Wolfgang had written for her .
12 The joint statement underlined the importance of good neighbourly relations between the two German states for the stability of Europe and their contribution to a ‘ new European architecture ’ .
13 While it is tempting to see Hal 's rejection of Falstaff and his world as a rejection of prose , the issue is never as linear or straightforward as that ; indeed in Henry V the King uses prose in four or five scenes , both for his nocturnal tour and for his wooing of Katherine .
14 As a result both were prone to a disastrous application of metaphysical cultural values to political analysis — in the case of Chesterton and his role as a drama critic and provincial journalist in the 1920s , to a vision of cultural despair based on a parallel theory of criticism to that of his friend the Shakespearian scholar , G. Wilson Knight .
15 She surveyed Nona and her preparation for a picnic .
16 Dan had taken Lizzy and her mother to a pantomime of all things .
17 Since then , communist countries across Europe have found their freedom and Mrs Thatcher has been replaced by Mr Major and his vision of a kinder Britain .
18 Evidently an ex-LNER man was drafted into the Motive Power Department at Glasgow and his answer to a Pacific shortage at Polmadie was to arrange for the transfer of the engines we had noted , plus 60159 Bonnie Dundee , which appeared shortly after the sightings reported above .
19 Japan 's strength in Asia and her existence as a powerful member of the Western camp mean that Japan 's relations with Asia are no longer the mirror-image of those with the West .
20 Also , the film lost one Val and its pilot in a dive-bombing accident when the aircraft went into a high speed stall and crashed into a sugar cane field .
21 TV viewers saw the distinctive white vehicle in action in February , carrying BBC newsman Martin Bell and his crew during a Panorama documentary .
22 Relations between this group and the government had been strained for some years because of the sect 's links with Libya and its occupation of a disputed eight-acre site west of the capital , where it had built a commune .
23 WE have explored the main components of the popular image of Hitler and their blending into a leadership ‘ myth ’ of remarkable potency and resilience .
24 Yeah , would you , but a couple of years because John was busy he bought us all tokens , erm , he bought the others tokens from Woolworths and me token from a body shop and we all , and I we had great fun looking and seeing what we wanted to buy with , with the book tokens , er , maybe , maybe I mention it providing we ca n't find anything .
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