Example sentences of "[noun prp] have [vb pp] him [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 SUN man Paul Welford has reported him to the police , and Flashman said : ‘ If people want to do that , then fair enough .
2 Nicholson 's new boy Adrian Maguire has thirty four winners already … but a double from Richard Dunwoody has taken him into the twenties
3 Man of the match Smith admitted he would not have been surprised if Hick had pipped him to the award .
4 ‘ Several times more than once , ’ the Doctor said , the tone of his voice reflecting the numerous occasions on which Bernice had dragged him into the flea-pit cinema she 'd found in the TARDIS and insisted that he pay attention to the noir motifs and the semiotics of Double Indemnity .
5 And the Cid sent for all his friends and his kinsmen and vassals , and told them how King Don Alfonso had banished him from the land , and asked for them who would follow him into banishment , and who would remain at home .
6 But while many small traders blame the lenders for many of their difficulties Mr Miller says the Royal Bank of Scotland has helped him through the downturn by being flexible .
7 His belief in independence for Scotland has drawn him to the heart of the Scottish National Party .
8 Ukraine 's national poet voiced the robust verdict of an unforgiving nation : ‘ If only mother Ukraine had strangled him in the cradle . ’
9 This propaganda role of the church was no mere cynical response to royal commands and requests ; many of the clergy were quite as deeply imbued with a sense of national self-righteousness as were substantial elements of the laity : Edward III later recalled that Archbishop Stratford had persuaded him of the need for such a war , though the king also told a tale of Stratford 's reluctance for war .
10 Shannon had met him for the first time when he 'd arrived to film the pilot episode , and her dislike for the golden Adonis had been instant .
11 Therefore Sharpe must die , and if he was not to be killed in a duel , then he must be taken care of in another way and , in the darkness as Lord John had said his farewells , Jane had urged him to the other way .
12 Chopra had told him about the changes transforming the planet , but the shapechanger just smiled knowingly .
13 John was astounded to learn Carol had entered him in the competition only mum Linda was let in on the secret .
14 John was astounded to learn Carol had entered him in the competition only mum Linda was let in on the secret .
15 780 Ealdhun also gave lands which Ecgberht had given him to the familia of Christ Church ( CS 293 : S 155 ; cf. , CS 319 , 320 : S 1259 and CS 332 : S 1264 ) .
16 But as minister of finance under Zahedi he had become too well known for negotiating the new agreement with the oil companies , and so the Shah had exiled him to the Washington embassy .
17 When Pc Black had found him in the toilets he said he had temporarily removed his glasses to wipe them , and that a friend who was there had brought them to him at the police station .
18 Since Stephen had appointed him to the permanent position of maintenance manager , he was often out on the property .
19 It was the first time for a long while that Tommy had come into the dining rooms for his morning break and Carrie had spotted him from the window as he pulled up outside and climbed down wearily from his horsecart .
20 He did not fit the description of Jim Lancaster that Blanche had given him in the car that morning .
21 At the slow , jerking speed of city traffic at night , he drove toward the address that Ashdown had given him for the rendezvous .
22 Fleury , of course , had no business being there at all , but Harry had sent him to the Residency with a message and while passing by he had found the defence so desperately hard pressed that he had forgotten all about Harry .
23 He believes in his heart that Daisy has loved him during the many years they have not seen each other but he has pined over her .
24 Huy had grabbed him by the throat , lifted him from his seat , and slammed the back of his head against the wall with a force that cracked the plaster .
25 Lyall , who like the 42-year-old McGiven had his career cut short by injury at West Ham , groomed McGiven in the way that Ron Greenwood had groomed him on the coaching ladder .
26 Celia had told him about the Journal , and he realized she would prefer him to turn it down .
27 Sorge had asked him on the way out of Washington .
28 Maidstone 's peculiar behaviour earlier that day , Franco 's strange tale about the pile of money Maidstone had showed him in the bar and now Maidstone 's death itself .
29 Until he had died for man 's forgiveness , until God had raised him from the dead by way of vindication , the Spirit which rested upon him was not available to be passed on to others .
30 Ben … is a brilliant merchant banker , whose childhood in occupied Europe has scarred him with the legacy of an ‘ existential tardiness ’ ; he recoils from everything in life that demands a heady recklessness , and is doomed to live ‘ without hope in desire ’ . ’
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