Example sentences of "[noun prp] have [be] [prep] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Norfolk has been for many years one of our Medau strongholds and it is for this reason that the Society decided to select this prestigious location .
2 At the same time the council in England believed that the king 's familiares were exercising undue influence over him : the unity which Edward had been at such pains to build up in 1337 was on the point of fracturing .
3 It is certainly not true of Arab public opinion which has long ago accepted the ‘ linkage ’ that Washington has been at such pains to discount .
4 But Karen had been on these holidays before .
5 In the view of private and public critics of the Wilberforce sons there was more than filiopietism at issue in their charge that Clarkson claimed leadership in the cause when their father was entitled to it ; they suggested Clarkson had been to all intents and purposes a paid agent of the Abolition Committee .
6 Aware that Madcap Agnew 's name was scarcely mentioned in the Hall , that the Lodge had been for many years a forbidden place , and that her father 's heart still quailed to reflect on the terrors he had suffered as a child , Louisa had not dared to let her reflections on this unhappy history reach far enough .
7 Britain 's initial position of support for Cramra had been to all intents and purposes relinquished by the end of the meeting .
8 Beryl Davies has been to several meetings of the Shropshire A. S. M. group .
9 " Yes , " said Clara , beginning to understand the nature of her mother 's satisfaction ; the lack of telephone of Mrs Hanney had been for some years a subject for discourse in a vein of amazed contempt .
10 Merlin had been in these parts , Joseph Robinson had told him .
11 At the end of the sixteenth century the ‘ crowned republic ’ of Poland had been in some ways one of the great powers of Europe .
12 On the one hand this expansion offered for the first time a substantial number of teaching posts which together formed a fully-integrated career structure , and on the other it considerably lessened the security of both the " historical " and " critical " paradigms for which Bateson had been at such pains to seek some form of mutual accommodation .
13 In stressing this aspect , Marx and Engles were basing themselves in great part on the excellent description that Morgan had supplied for the matrilineal descent groups of the Iroquois , and , in his stress on the community aspect of descent groups , Morgan has been in many ways supported by later work .
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