Example sentences of "[noun prp] have [verb] her [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 In other galleries in Dering Street , Annely Juda has reinforced her floor for an exhibition of three large steel sculptures , with a selection of smaller works and drawings , collages and gravitations , by Eduardo Chillida ( 1 October-14 November ) .
2 PREMATURE baby Leah Roberts has won her fight for life .
3 ‘ That particular group do , ’ said Rachel , and found herself wondering if that was what David had visited her family for — to discuss the possibility of Jennifer going to Conway House .
4 Kelly shook her head incredulously ; Ibn Fayoud had taken her acceptance for granted .
5 Karen had done her bit for me and I would have been more than happy to reciprocate .
6 Firstly , although Isabelle had kindled her love for foreign languages by teaching her their own native tongue , at the same time she 'd been strangely reticent about her own life .
7 The two girls stayed up for hours , and by the end of the evening a date had been arranged for the Paris adventure , and Clarissa had confided her plan for the Saturday afternoon of the visit .
8 Listening in their Castle Park home , his wife Virtue said Moore had altered her life for the worse .
9 Helen Harvey of the Lord Todd has received her presentation for ten years with CCG .
10 Luke had taken her silence for assent .
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