Example sentences of "[noun prp] be [not/n't] [adj] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Relations between Lang and Salmond are not good at the best of times but , given that the SNP had been in the same lobby as the Government the night before , it might have been expected that Lang would have been at least polite .
2 They were evidently unprepared for handling such matters , and Mr. Lansberry was not present at the meeting — the County medical officer of health was asked to give his recommendation .
3 One of the girls was on the telephone in the outer office : ‘ I 'm afraid Mr Riddle is n't available at the moment …
4 Yeltsin was not present at the Russian Federation Supreme Soviet session .
5 Naseby was not pleased at the way his career had gone .
6 We understand that Jim was not present at the meeting at which our grant was determined .
7 The officer at Leicester 's not available at the moment , so he hopes by the next meeting erm if Leeds have an opportunity to see that letter , and perhaps have a short report on what this council does with respect to Nestle/1 and also what other councils have done .
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