Example sentences of "[noun prp] be [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Fruiting Dipteryx panamensis ( Leguminosae ) trees on Barro Colorado Island are visited by 16 mammal species , taking pericarp or seeds .
2 During gastroscopy , the folds of Kerckring are assessed for any reduction and distal duodenal biopsy specimens are taken in all patients for histological examination to look for villous atrophy .
3 Now if Hereford are to build on last week 's success they need to get at least a draw at Gigg lane .
4 Additional components beside fractions TFIIIB and TFIIIC are needed for efficient pol III transcription
5 LoPresti and propeller manufacturer Hartzell are co-operating on new cowling/propeller/spinner designs for single and Twin Comanches which they predict will increase their maximum speeds by 42 mph and 35 mph respectively , through reduced drag and more efficient use of propeller airflow .
6 Christians in Pakistan are living in increasing fear for their lives following the deaths earlier this year of two men at the hands of Muslim fundamentalists .
7 Christians in Pakistan are living in increasing fear for their lives following the deaths earlier this year of two men at the hands of Muslim fundamentalists .
8 Other areas of conifers are found in the High Weald and on the Lower Greensand , but the heavy soils of the Low Weald are dominated by deciduous woodland .
9 LEAs were authorised by this Act to spend public money on meals for undernourished elementary school children .
10 The emergence of brilliant teenagers like Nicky Barmby , Andy Turner , Stuart Nethercott and Andy Hill were introduced into first-team action and Venables predicted a bright future for the club .
11 Stars Jeff Goldblum , Laura Dern and Sam Neill were joined by ex-heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali , former Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee , Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala and several members of Congress .
12 In the south of England , Dorset , Hampshire and Surrey were affected to some extent — again much more in some parts than others — but the south-eastern corner of England owes little or nothing to the enclosure commissioners .
13 Willetts suggests that the cults of the goddesses Britomartis and Diktynna were connected , and that Britomartis and Diktynna were related to each other in much the same way as the later Persephone and Demeter .
14 The Pacifics were used at this time on the Nottingham to Marylebone semi-fasts but they were to be transferred away as the rundown of the GC got underway .
15 The Securitate and the KGB were falling over each other at that point .
16 Claire and Kezia were looking at each other and saying nothing .
17 MARKS & SPENCER is bursting into bold colour this spring with pottery hand painted in Portugal .
18 The Inter-Andean Depression of Ecuador is controlled by two terrane boundaries ( sutures ) , the Cainozoic reactivation of which provided channelways for the double chain of volcanic cordilleras , which form a caldera-graben .
19 Meanwhile , insider sources suggest that Hazelwood is meeting with long-time friend Bob Dylan , to discuss the possibility of Dylan also contributing to the new Mary Chain LP .
20 Let me make it quite clear , Pahdra Singh is committed to this club 116 per cent .
21 Bureaucrats at every level instead of local TEC 's dealing with local training needs .
22 Just before the climactic murder , Desdemona 's maid Emilia is shown in deep focus closing her mistress 's door , while in the foreground Othello 's dark shadow looms ominously on a white wall .
23 As at Tockington , the type C arrangement at Halstock is associated with another mosaic which displays a saltire design , ( although it should be noted that the latter appear to be of a finer standard than the former ) .
24 The most recent Powys figure of an average 1.93 LUs/hectare of permanent grassland is the equivalent of 12.9 sheep/hectare , a high overall stocking figure considering that nearly half of the total permanent grassland area in Powys is categorised as rough grazing .
25 Blues singer Greg Allman is put to good use as the big bad dealer at the centre of events , a weighty presence always just out of reach .
26 The High Performance Fortran FORALL is based on this development , but adds nested FORALL statements , limited function calls and multiple statement capabilities .
27 The HPF FORALL is based on this development , but adds nested FORALL statements , limited function calls and multiple statement capabilities .
28 With a hint of wistfulness in his voice , renowned photographer Steven Meisel is talking about British model Kate Moss .
29 The expedient adopted by Trudgill is to deal with each component of soil and vegetation in turn and then to build up a sequential picture of the whole system .
30 Faldo is asking for less hype and a return to the days when the biennial encounter was a friendly , usually won by the Americans .
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