Example sentences of "[noun prp] ['s] [noun] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the outstanding legacy of Napoleon 's invasion lay with the bevy of experts he had brought with him who created the " Institute d'Egypte " producing numerous volumes that were to launch Egyptology in the Western academic world and , in time , to remind educated Egyptians of former glories .
2 Flack 's skin glistened in the white , gritty light , his thin face tight with fatigue .
3 The last sentence in Captain James Cunningham 's statement gets to the heart of the matter , for burgh influence depended above all on evident good relations with the men of power who dispensed patronage .
4 Cunningham 's chummy dropping of the ‘ Mr ’ from his name did not fool him for a moment : the withdrawn and irascible figure he had encountered in mid-afternoon was nearer the soul of this man than mine accommodating and smiling host of the Skein of Geese 's oak-panelled restaurant .
5 Yet in their intensity , their beauty and their perfection , Werner Bischof 's photographs speak of a life that was at all times deeply considered and lived to the full .
6 Her legs shot up and Samson 's tankard skidded across the counter , spilling the rest of the porter over the floor .
7 Two words , both of them not repeatable , and then the thud , as Callum 's body crunched against the far wall .
8 Alison Walker 's mouth quivered on a tearful smile .
9 Mr Arafat 's disappearance comes at a time of unprecedented crisis for the PLO .
10 Becky 's eyes fell on the picture of the Virgin Mary and Child the moment Charlie placed the little painting on the bed .
11 Lord Cholmondeley 's correspondent referred to the Smiths as ‘ very good Workmen ’ , and when Francis died in 1738 Sir Edmund Isham of Lamport , Northamptonshire , lamented the loss of ‘ our honest Builder Mr. Smith of Warwick ’ .
12 So , in sum , Castells 's argument leads to the suggestion that people 's moral careers , their use of back and front regions , and so on , can not be considered separate from the workings of a capitalist economy or the exercising of political authority .
13 Ceauşescu 's imagination turned to a project which could not be reversed by his successors , perhaps even by time itself .
14 So I plugged in Marshall 's JMP-1 preamp and instantly the Utopia 's sound crossed over the water , reinforcing my point about the preamp being the life and soul of any rack .
15 She held it with one hand while the other went to her throat , as Nellie 's face appeared at the door .
16 As she went through the hall , though , she glanced out of the front windows , and gave a loud groan as she saw Eleanor 's car parked on the drive outside .
17 His head angled and Meredith 's battle began against the jolt of desire that the simple action had created .
18 Marie 's eyes shone with the light of inspiration , as if she had suddenly found a purpose in life .
19 Lina 's face crumpled into a grimace .
20 Lina 's mouth stretched into a sneer .
21 Only rarely does one feel Dustin 's personality breaking through the rigid mask Nichols has constructed for him .
22 ANGOLA 'S government appeared on the verge of military collapse yesterday as the Unita rebel movement was reported to have captured the country 's second most important city .
23 Remembers , too , phoning John Arlott 's match reports to The Guardian .
24 Rosengarten 's forte lay in the fine arts , painting and sculpture in particular , to which he committed himself at McGill ahead of Leonard .
25 Although not specifically related to sport , Robert Malina 's work begins with the observation : ‘ populations differ in a variety of biological and cultural characteristics and motor performance and strength are no exception ’ ( 1973 , p.333 ) .
26 Some of it belongs to the years directly after 591 , when Gregory 's narrative comes to an end , and has the additional significance of casting some light on the later years of the reign of Childebert II ( 575 – 96 ) , which are otherwise poorly represented in the sources .
27 Entitled To Advance Further Along the Road to Perestroika , Gorbachev 's address began with the assertion that there had been a " revolutionary stride " in all spheres of life since he first announced perestroika in April 1985 .
28 Although government officials are confident of somehow finding a way next year to pay for the national backbone network , they are sceptical of the LDP 's ability to break through the ceiling on overall spending on science .
29 Whereas Rolle 's poetic understanding of spiritual life embodied in his English works makes them like flares sent up to illuminate dark ground , each a light but each separate , Hilton 's Scale brings into the daylight a carefully worked out map of spiritual life with each of the major stages interconnected .
30 However , as has already been pointed out , Thorndyke 's study differed from the two earlier ones in that he used passages which maintained clear temporal sequencing , and clear clausal connections in both narrative conditions .
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