Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb -s] a [adj] [noun] from " in BNC.

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1 Shamir receives a frosty reception from US President Bush during a Washington meeting .
2 Jacques Doucet has a pleasant collage from 1948 which depicts the Bal Negre in the rue Blomet .
3 WINDY Loch Assynt lies a few miles from the coast , near the picturesque fishing village of Lochinver ; surrounded by a ridge of mountains eleven miles in length , none of which drop below 2,000 feet , crowned by Sutherland 's highest peak , mighty Ben More Assynt .
4 Most Saturday evenings , during winter , Ann prepares an ethnic meal from the current country of her dreams : Turkey , Mexico , Egypt , Indonesia , Arabia ; or historic dishes from England 's past , and even delights from Roman times .
5 Likud faces a strong challenge from the Centre-Left Labour Party , which had a stronger showing in the latest opinion poll published at the weekend .
6 The new unit at Ohi features a special room from with visiting members of the public can view various parts of the plant .
7 Phil Kite is struggling against a hand injury and Mel Rees faces a long recovery from cancer surgery last summer .
8 ROBIN Williams plays a middle-aged lawyer from New York , who has forgotten that , years ago , he was Peter Pan .
9 Obviously you get to know that a Gibson has a different tone from a Strat , and you 'd also know the kind of sound you wanted .
10 Nigel Twiston-Davies anticipates a bold show from Tipping Tim , but Cool Ground and Miinnehoma , both beaten at Ascot on Saturday , are unlikely to run .
11 HEIGHT OF EXCITEMENT : Wigmore gets a spectacular view from the top — but his interest starts to fall off
12 Many expressed the feeling that Gorbachov is now more vulnerable than ever before , and that Yeltsin has a unique platform from which to attack the Soviet leadership .
13 In the stretches of dialogue which , like old-fashioned recitative , carry the action forward between the more formal gestures , Britten adopts a different technique from the very strict writing of the previous two scenes .
14 Chris Hankins assembles a 386-40 Computakit from NCM .
15 David Skinner 's edition of the Threepart Mass employs an upward transposition from the written original of a minor third , rather than the minor third downward usually encountered .
16 Once reached , the Bower forms a solid haven from which to tackle the final , most demanding , section of the crack .
17 Aphrodisias seems a long way from anywhere , but it is worth the trip for it is one of the most exciting archaeological sites in Turkey .
18 Britain was not only one to have wet August displays , Chuck Sloat presents an air-to-air portfolio from a damp Geneseo .
19 Zimbabwe 's Chimbima gets an unwelcome leg-up from a Namibian tackler as Andy Ferreira 's men gave their Southern African rivals a fright in a hard-fought quarter-final encounter , leading 10–0 at half-time before eventually succumbing 16–10 .
20 The odd piece of Giant Vallis provides a pleasant diversion from all that rock .
21 Many bishops of the Late Roman period had earlier in their careers been notable civil servants ; best-known is Ambrose of Milan , but Germanus of Auxerre provides a fine example from Gaul , so too does Gregory of Langres , whose episcopate extended into the sixth century .
22 Neil Foster faces a hefty fine from Essex today following his hot-tempered , stump-kicking antics during the current round of championship matches .
23 In support of his proposition , Mr. Collins quotes a short passage from the judgment of Lord Denning M.R. in Reg. v. Liverpool Corporation , Ex parte Liverpool Taxi Fleet Operators ' Association [ 1972 ] 2 Q.B .
24 Emma takes a quick call from a canine friend
25 Even in his very early and surprisingly few organ ricercari — notably the one del 8. tono on three closely worked subjects , and the one del 10. tono ( of which the one del 9. tono is essentially a shortened version ) where a canzon theme alternates with a motive worked in almost too facile descending sequences — Giovanni enters a different world from his uncle 's ricercari ; the last traces of the ‘ instrumental motet ’ have been erased .
26 In this shallow bed of microfossils , Battarbee reads a progressive acidification from 1870 .
27 Till then , Antonescu earns a modest dollar from his bootleg memory bullets .
28 Judy Armstrong makes a quick escape from the everyday hustle and bustle for a weekend fun-filled mountain biking in the rugged North York Moors .
29 Alyce-Faye has a 22-year-old son from her marriage to American golf professional David Eichelberger .
30 Apart from long-term absentee John McInnes , Brownbill has a full squad from which to select tomorrow as Town look to extend their eight-match unbeaten run .
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