Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb -s] the [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ward lights the blue touch-paper at York
2 The sumptuous Sherborne Missal represents the high point of Siferwas 's art .
3 Sussex offers the Elizabethan majesty of Parham House , the Edwardian beauty of Parham House , the Edwardian beauty of Preston Manor and the Classical lines of Petworth House .
4 ABA involves the scientific application of one of the most robust theories in psychology .
5 The Krays evokes the brutish power of the notorious underworld twins .
6 The RFP has the potential advantage of a theoretically high plasma pressure relative to the external magnetic field pressure .
7 Outside politics Aristotle has the usual mixture of odd bits of information — for instance that in certain parts of the Celtic land it is too cold for donkeys to procreate ( De gener. anim. 2.8.748a ) .
8 The Middle Temple has the American equivalent of Halsbury , the Corpus Juris Secundum .
9 It holds a pool of the securities of each listed company and on dealings on The Exchange each seller transfers to SEPON , thus momentarily augmenting its pool and out of it SEPON transfers the appropriate amount of shares to each purchaser .
10 Mr Edmond has the dubious honour of being tried by the District of Columbia 's first anonymous jury .
11 SPRED has the twofold aim of teaching your child the ways of your own faith , and integrating him/her into the local parish community .
12 Opt-outs are supposed to end in 1996 , when eastern Germany joins the western system of labour contracts .
13 Enterprise Computer Holdings Plc fears it has been misunderstood : the company is keen to stress that Finance Director Les Kemp has the unhappy confusion over last year 's accounting figures under control ( CI No 2,162 ) but wants to know how accountants KPMG Peat Marwick managed not to sign the audit report for subsidiary Enterprise Computer Services ; apparently there was confusion at the time over the verification of certain bank loans ; all should be clear in the next report and the company says it expects to show a return to profit .
14 Jane also pointed out that Pamela has the ideal figure for trousers and when shopping for skirts , she should choose straight styles that end just below or above the knee .
15 Now Linford Christie holds the rare chance of a second gold — first in the 200 metres but , more promisingly , by beating the United States next Saturday evening in the 100-metres relay .
16 In Totality and Infinity ( 1961 ) , a book self-consciously written under the shadow of two ‘ world ’ wars in which Europe , at the limit of its attempt to devour the world , turned in on itself in two violent acts of self-consummation , Levinas questions the accepted relation between morality and politics .
17 New face at FARMERS WEEKLY … = Angus McKirdy joins the Arable Section after five years in the agrochemical industry .
18 Both Valse triste and the ‘ Berceuse ’ from The Tempest are no doubt glamorized but powerfully felt , and in the ‘ Berceuse ’ Stokowski evokes the magical atmosphere of Prospero 's island as powerfully as did Beecham ( EMI , 7/90 ) .
19 Third , Scruton reanimates the deep self as the defining principle of a normal sexuality .
20 Moët et Chandon has the leading brand in most world markets and supplies one in four of all bottles of champagne exported from F rance .
21 And interestingly , one review by Mawer contains the only mention of the Newbolt Report to be included in the Review during the whole of the inter-war period , and this solely in the context of attributing to the Report responsibility for generating a good deal of subsequent discussion of grammar .
22 Harrods has the final say in whom its concessions may hire , even down to the lowliest positions , and Sally may have seemed the obvious choice to impress them .
23 Equally , Lyell has the long succession of faunas and floras brought about by a continual , one-by-one extinction of species and their replacement by new ones .
24 Faldo has the invaluable experience of having won twice at Augusta .
25 Managing director Albero Sandoval places the potential market at 100,000 users , predicting that this will rise to 600,000 subscribers over the next 10 years , of which it is hoped that some 300,000 will use Sistelcom 's system .
26 However — with the loss of Jordanian sovereignty — until the United States accepts the Palestinian claim to sovereignty over the occupied territories , Resolution 242 is bound to remain bereft of meaning , since there is no US-recognized state to which the West Bank and Gaza can be returned .
27 Avenches illustrates the long history of settlement characteristic of Mittelland .
28 4.00pm Linda adds the final touch to the swill roll .
29 On a more practical level Structure in Sculpture by Daniel Schodek covers the technical aspects of structure in sculpture , illustrating balance and geometry and the structural characteristics of different materials with works by Rodin , Calder , Serra and Christo .
30 Further fieldwalking in Northamptonshire emphasises the widespread distribution of such settlements , some near earlier and later settlements , others having no such connection ( Taylor 1983 ) .
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