Example sentences of "[noun prp] [to-vb] and [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It requested LEAs to prepare and submit to the Secretary of State plans for reorganising secondary education on comprehensive lines , and offered guidance as to methods of achieving this .
2 A new national stadium is being built , and many of the competing countries are expected in Ireland before next July to see and play on the pitch .
3 He wondered whether he should ask Crumwallis to go and sit with the boarders in the dormitory , while he had a word with this young Freely .
4 Mrs Mantini did not like Rachaela to sit and read in the shop .
5 with his companions Dr Candlish and Dr McKellar , who were appointed by the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland to visit and report on the state of matters throughout the Highlands and Islands , started in Islay and spent their one night with Mr Ramsay at Kildalton .
6 with his companions Dr Candlish and Dr McKellar , who were appointed by the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland to visit and report on the state of matters throughout the Highlands and Islands , started in Islay and spent their one night with Mr Ramsay at Kildalton .
7 Was it the blameless wonderfulness of God that forced Satan to go and live in the pit , where he could leave his things lying around and put his feet on the table ?
8 I do n't know what alerted Kalchu to go and look in the stable .
9 Similarly teams of medical advisers were brought down to William Osborne to inspect and comment on the level and location of medical equipment so that as the boat was built the right equipment was installed in the right place .
10 The aims of the workshop are to help young people in the South Pacific to understand and respond to the mass media ( TV , video , radio and print ) and to enable them to recognise better quality media programmes .
11 Accordingly the court must conclude that Crossman Block does not at present have the authority of the Republic of Somalia to receive and deal with the property of the Republic .
12 Grieco 's work is based on a detailed case study in the Northamptonshire steel town of Corby , and smaller studies of women in the fisheries industry in Aberdeen and of people migrating from the East End of London to live and work in the new town of Basildon , on London 's outer fringes .
13 Brameur is one of a consortium of European companies which have been funded by the EC to advise and participate in the development of visual information systems for institutions including the Louvre and the National Gallery .
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