Example sentences of "[noun prp] [to-vb] [pron] [noun] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 All this activity left little time for photography but , even after returning to the States to continue his work for the FSA , Delano never lost sight of the fact that his introduction to Puerto Rico had been through a camera .
2 It has also encouraged LEAs to exercise their responsibilities for the curriculum and encouraged those outside schools , such as governors and people in industry , to play a more important part in discussions about the curriculum .
3 I 've also written to the owner of the Mill Yard , Mr Whewell to get his consent for the siting of the skip .
4 On Feb. 19 an estimated 5,000-8,000 miners from the Jiul Valley area arrived in Bucharest to show their support for the NSF and promised Iliescu that they would get rid of the " hooligans " .
5 The Government must encourage the people of Northern Ireland to give their support for the security forces by giving the correct political leadership .
6 Efforts to end the 12-year civil war prompted the government in May to renew its call for a ceasefire [ see p. 37453 ] ; in June it proposed a peace conference , after reports that the United States and the Soviet Union had failed to resolve differences over a transition process [ see p. 37669 ] .
7 He used an interview with Brian Walden on ITV to outline his terms for a coalition with either Labour or the Conservatives .
8 Clinton on the other hand had fought for the king at Boroughbridge , and after the coup of 1327 associated himself with Lancaster : he was one of the two lords appointed by Lancaster to take his proposals for a settlement to the king in late November 1328 .
9 He paid a brief homage to the Gnomes , who had journeyed all the way from the Gallan Mountains to bring their ideas for the new Queen 's Crown Jewels and did not refer to the fact that they were four days late on account of getting lost on the way .
10 Their joy will allow Joe to forget his disillusionment for a while at least .
11 Gooch and the England selectors meet in Manchester to choose their squad for the second Test at Lord 's , and Atherton 's place as Gooch 's opening partner is one of those up for discussion .
12 One Colombian drug boss , upon hearing in 1987 that Gen Noriega was negotiating with the US to abandon his command for a comfortable exile , sent him a hand-sized mahogany coffin engraved with his name .
13 The Steering Group meet again in September to formulate our plant for the future .
14 ASTON Villa manager Ron Atkinson yesterday backed £650,000 mid-field man Garry Parker to push his claims for an England World Cup call-up .
15 Sylvia Hayes , an artist who had spent some time painting in Orkney , came from Oxford to show her support for the four families .
16 WOLVES fancy Blackpool forward David Eyres and they could also get a call from Chelsea , who may fancy Mike Stowell to end their search for a goalkeeper .
17 The Bulgarians wanted Guentchev to join their squad for the match with Austria in Vienna , but Town 's schedule at the time was too hectic .
18 In Luxembourg the government announced on Feb. 11 that it had authorized the USA to use its airport for the transit of materiel , troops and casualties .
19 USL is believed to be interested in aligning itself more closely with Novell to strengthen its forces for the war against Microsoft Corp 's NT , a herculean effort AT&T may not be as willing to put its back into .
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