Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb mod] [verb] at [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Willie Falconer will deputise at left back .
2 He also must know that my ships from Denmark might arrive at any moment .
3 Wilson would talk at great length and it became clear to me that the number of people in whom he could confide safely was very small ; in fact it was clear that he had few , if any , complete political friends .
4 That it should have been modelled on the Temple of Solomon may seem at first sight presumptuous , but it was an age that relished allusion , and Solomon , son of David , was of royal descent , anointed by Zadok the priest , and the king par excellence .
5 There is little other reason why President de Klerk should decide at this point to include two coloured politicians and an Indian in his cabinet .
6 Lynn might reappear at any moment , Thomas was rambling in the woods somewhere near by , Floss and Tibbs were playing badminton just round the corner .
7 Already almost a year earlier Churchill had recognised that the enemy collapse in Europe might come at any time .
8 Colin will play at left back and is club captain for the season .
9 ‘ And I suggest that Diana will remarry at some point .
10 ‘ Yeah , but you can imagine the problems that Gus would have at that time , and I could see why he would react like that .
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