Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun pl] [coord] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 In mid-November another mass meeting reaffirmed the Naythuyein resolutions and called for the dissolution of the recently formed Governor 's Council .
2 If Bowe wins and opts for a first defence against veteran George Foreman , the WBC have confirmed they will strip him of the title and declare Lennox Lewis champion .
3 The way we speak about Wimpey and the impression we give may influence someone who is thinking of buying a Wimpey home , negotiating with Wimpey Construction , buying materials from Wimpey Minerals or applying for a course in one of our craft training centres .
4 Bufi 's " government of national stability " was announced on June 12 , including PLA members but incorporating for the first time the DP as well as the Republican Party , the Social Democratic Party and the Agrarian Party ; nine members were non-party .
5 The two final sections are reserved almost exclusively for Botticelli , with three illustrations for Dante 's Inferno and a series of monochrome on canvas studies for ‘ The Adoration of the Magi ’ , which has been rescued from the Uffizi storerooms and restored for the present exhibition .
6 Debut 1986 v NZ Cavaliers but ignored for the NZ and Australia comeback games before regaining his place during the French tour .
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