Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun pl] [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Union affiliations to the Labour Party had been confined to those " contracting in " under the Trades Disputes Act of 1927 , and the total of affiliated unionists stood at two million throughout the 1930s .
2 Third , the formal recognition of the acquis communautaire , provided for under Title I , in effect applies the notion of irreversible embracement by EEC institutions to the intergovernmental agreements .
3 An Oxford rugby blue in 1959 and 1960 and a keen sailor , Sir Robin , 54 , is remembered by many Whitehall contemporaries as the shrewd captain of the Mandarins cricket team which he led for many years .
4 What sustains him is the comfort he derives from the spiritual world of the Indian , as he escapes the alienating environment of the school to listen to Quechua music and to renew his bonds with the magical world of nature , but his experiences call into question the effectiveness of Quechua values in the white world in which he must live .
5 Levinas objects to the implicit violence in the process of knowledge which appropriates and sublates the essence of the other into itself .
6 E-cadherin PCR products of the predicted size were obtained from both LC and KC RNA samples ( Fig. 2 b ) .
7 There 's none of the rigorous logic and choreographed confusion of real farce , and director Jude Kelly labours under the mistaken impression that if the characters rush around and shout a lot , then they are bound to be funny .
8 THERE has been a considerable outcry from St Helens supporters over the eight-match ban imposed on the club 's Kiwi loose forward Shane Cooper two weeks ago .
9 Thanks again Bangor fans for the best days of my life .
10 The Corinthias celebrated the fall of the Bacchiad tyrants in the sixth century by building the great temple of Apollo — and also by reorganizing and strengthening their tribal system .
11 In addition , NeXT 's Portable Distributed Objects system for distributing applications across a network will enable NeXTStep objects to be deployed on HP-UX servers from the end of the year ; the company 's NetInfo network management software will interoperate with Hewlett-Packard 's OpenView system management tools and will also be available on HP-UX servers from the fourth quarter of this year .
12 In addition , Next 's Portable Distributed Objects system for distributing applications across a network will allow NextStep objects to be deployed on HP-UX servers from the end of the year ; the company 's NetInfo network management software will be integrated with HP 's OpenView system management tools and will also be available on HP-UX servers from the fourth quarter of this year .
13 Stoddard Mercia carpeted the complete hotel with Custom Axminster and Chlidema Wilton designs in the public areas and contract quality tufteds in the bedrooms .
14 Aden was the right place for forward operating facilities , but its scorching barren rocks and unhealthy climate made it an unattractive place in which to station Army and RAF units of the Strategic Reserve .
15 It is a lyre-horned breed which was originally white with red muzzle and ears and a few red freckles on the sides , but the use of Ayrshire bulls during the nineteenth century increased the area of red in the coat and in the 1970s the use of NRF bulls darkened the colour cline to the brindle or red lineback of today .
16 There are also reports that hunting parties are using firearms against Dorcas gazelles in the Eastern desert , again contrary to law .
17 Under CSO proposals from the Royal College of Psychiatrists , the care team would have the right of access to the client and a better chance of using gentle persuasion .
18 CsA residues 4 , 6 , 7 , 8 and 9 in the effector region make contact to two CypA molecules in the decameric sandwich ( coloured here in green and red ) .
19 The news agency Interfax reported on Sept. 18 that all KGB officers had been withdrawn from the personnel directorate of the Foreign Ministry as a step to withdrawing KGB personnel from the Foreign Ministry 's central apparatus .
20 P&O EUROPEAN FERRIES ( Portsmouth ) are acting as Principal Sponsor of the Chichester Festivities for the third year running .
21 For the NMDA channel to open , and thus to trigger the induction of LTP , it is necessary for two events to occur simultaneously : the membrane must be sufficiently depolarized to expel Mg 2+ from NMDA channels at the same time that L-glutamate has , by binding to NMDA receptors , promoted their opening .
22 , Sir Richard , second baronet ( c. 1659–1726 ) , parliamentary diarist and controversialist , was born about 1659 , the eldest son of Richard Cocks of the Middle Temple and his wife Mary , daughter of Sir Robert Cooke of Highnam , Gloucestershire .
23 Egypt has drafted a list of potential Palestinian delegates composed of PLO supporters from the occupied territories and deportees who are senior PLO activists .
24 An arson attack gutted the Bucharest offices of the Hungarian state airline ( Malev ) on March 25 as crowds outside protested that the Hungarian population was planning to secede from Romania .
25 ‘ Boy ’ Mould had served in France with 1 Squadron in 1939/40 , where he had shot down the first German aircraft to be claimed by R.A.F. fighters over the Western Front ; he had over eight victories to his credit at this time .
26 Thomas Garrigue Masaryk ( subsequently president of Czechoslovakia ) was appointed a professor in the School and , in October 1915 , delivered a highly influential lecture entitled ‘ The Problem of Small Nations in the European Crisis ’ .
27 In table 9.8 are shown some examples of the changes in unit costs which were used in the GRE formulae over the short period from 1983/4 to 1986/7 .
28 In mid-May blacks in the neighbouring township of Thabong organized a boycott of white-owned shops in Welkom .
29 G. eucnemus ( Fig. 8 ) differs from G. caputmedusae by the following characters : the disk is covered by hemispherical granules which occur more densely on the radial shields than interradially and in some large specimens the interradial areas look bare until examined closely .
30 The northern ( and earlier ) approach was by passes across the Ural mountains to the lower reaches of the river Obn and thence down the Ob Gulf by boat to the mouth of the Tazn which was ascended as far as a portage to the lower Yenisei ; from there they followed an eastward course up the Lower Tunguska river , crossing a portage to the Vilyui and so to the Lena .
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