Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun pl] [be] [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ANGRY Pakistan fans are taking English umpires for a ride .
2 The Federation of Small Businesses is asking local authorities to use the discretion available to them to offer rates relief to businesses found to be suffering hardship .
3 Cabernet Sauvignon grapes are grown 1,000 feet up in King Valley , Victoria .
4 In total , 500 NHS patients are to have private operations .
5 In response Pravda cited American press reports that the United States and its NATO allies were making active preparations towards ‘ creating a security pact in the Persian Gulf zone , prepared to cooperate with the West ’ .
6 Environment Minister Hans Alders is seeking similar agreements from the country 's main industrial sectors .
7 Cleveland and North Yorkshire councils are preparing major objections to the National Grid 's plan to build overhead power cables across parts of the area .
8 Cleveland and North Yorkshire councils are preparing major objections to the National Grid 's plan to build overhead power cables across parts of the area .
9 Several scientists questioned the hypothesis that the Vietnamese , Kampuchean and Pathet Lao governments are spraying deadly mycotoxins , produced by the fungus Fusarium and commonly called ‘ yellow rain ’ , on opposition groups like the Laotian Hmong .
10 THE Ulster Unionists were having urgent talks with the US Consulate in Belfast today before deciding whether to pull out of a meeting with prominent Irish-Americans .
11 Farmers on the Somerset Levels are to receive extra payments for agreeing to allow surface flooding of their fields between December and May , and ensuring that water levels in ditches do not sink below the mean field level in the summer months .
12 ULSTER teachers are taking new lessons after school hours — on stress .
13 Britannia Airways is cutting 560 jobs and buying new aircraft worth £250m in order to make its fleet operations more efficient .
14 Cleveland Police are hunting two youths who grabbed a cash bag containing hundreds of pounds from a woman on her way to a Middlesbrough bank .
15 No Japanese or US banks were involved Financial Times 7 May
16 FRANCE VOYAGES is offering 2 nights at EuroDisney with British Airways flights to Paris for £99pp , based on six sharing a chalet at Camp Davy Crockett .
17 Five Darlington schools are sending five children each to Haughton School for six weekly sessions run under a Lord 's Taverners scheme called Cricket For You in 92 .
18 Manager Greg Downs is making two changes for tomorrow 's game .
19 Major giants in the Ulster economy like Shorts Aircraft were in difficulties , while the Harland and Woolf shipyards were making heavy losses .
20 According to the BTA , long delays in the immigration areas of London airports are giving overseas visitors a very poor welcome , BTA chairman , cited undermanning of immigration desks as one cause , and called for urgent action .
21 The ROS membranes were washed three times in 10mM HEPES , pH7.4 buffer containing 1mM EDTA and solubilized in solubilization buffer ( 10mM HEPES , pH7.4 , 150mM KCl , 10mM CaCl 2 , 1mM DTT , 18mM 3- ( ( 3-cholamidopropyl ) -dimethylammonio ) -1-propanesulphonate ( CHAPS ) , and 0.2% asolectin ) at a concentration of 1.5–2mg protein per ml .
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