Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] their [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The San José Group of Foreign Ministers of the five Central American countries together with Panama met their counterparts from the 12 European Community ( EC ) member countries in Managua , the Nicaraguan capital , on March 18-19 for the seventh annual meeting on EC-Central American co-operation , which was also attended by the Foreign Ministers of Colombia , Venezuela and Mexico .
2 Until the 1980s , the majority of nationalist conservative and ultra-right elements in West Germany made their homes in the right wings of the mainstream conservative parties , the CDU and its Bavarian sister-party , the Christian Social Union ( CSU ) .
3 It is not every year that the Regional Railways Manager ( East Midlands and Midline ) and the Public Affairs Manager of Centro put their heads on the travelling public chopping-block .
4 On 25th May , while the German army raced ruthlessly across Belgium and the inhabitants of England watched their skies for the first signs of airborne invasion , the scientists in the Oxford Pathology Department performed a crucial experiment .
5 But the American High Commissioner in West Germany and the American commander-elect of NATO lent their voices to the idea , and the United States quickly became an important supporter of the project .
6 Amanda and Graham Piper dropped their ciggies in the dustbin and said : ‘ That 's it . ’
7 Mrs Grindlewood-Gryke and Elinor took their places on the platform with Jeremiah Scrape and Swire Sugden , who appeared to be in a hurry and frequently consulted his watch .
8 Retirals Messrs. G. W. Davidson and R. A. Hamilton intimated their retirals from the committee .
9 Retirals Messrs. G. W. Davidson and R. A. Hamilton intimated their retirals from the committee .
10 The appalled producer took refuge in the unions and his insurance company , and Fred and Arthur composed their faces into the necessary combination of artistic bloody-mindedness and guestly sympathy to scotch the project without actually seeming to throw their good lunch back into the producer 's face .
11 Fleischmann and Pons started their experiments with the hope that fusion of deuterium — ‘ dd fusion ’ — would occur when deuterium ions were forced into palladium by electrolysis .
12 Hassan and the Omanis put their shoulders against the tail-board , Hassan cursing as he moved too close to the edge of the pit .
13 After they were removed , Mr and Mrs M resumed their efforts on the family 's behalf .
14 Kāli and Mina swirled their brooms round the pan until they were saturated .
15 As Kay Evans was unable to be with us during Notices June Bascombe presented their certificates to the three teachers who qualified in 1982 who had been unable to attend the training day in June .
16 The majority of first and second division football clubs deal with transfer fees through the p&l account ; only Tottenham Hotspur and Portsmouth put their players on the balance sheet .
17 Jenny and William planted their bulbs in the middle of the bowls and covered them over with more wet fibre .
18 Dismissing persistent rumours that Wall Street whizz Asher Edelman is the gallery 's money source , Salander identified their partners in the German venture as ‘ a group of Basque businessmen ’ who , he says , ‘ recommended ’ Berlin for a first European location .
19 Graham Stamper and Mick Jones scored their goals in the first half , after Dean Ashton had given the home side an early lead .
20 Ratagan refilled their flagons from the pitcher on the table .
21 As she did both Ellie and Patsy stuck their hands into the jar together for the delicious looking cookies .
22 Emily and Mungo leaned their bicycles against the wall .
23 The mining did not go ahead and Burnett and Hallamshire sold their interests in the area to BP Coal .
24 The Guildsmen put their shoulders against the side of the cart , and began rocking it .
25 Yes I pick up on the comment from the , Notts are n't as in control as they were , after first Tony and then Paul got their names on the score sheet in each case for the first time this season , both with bristling finishing efforts and you 'd be a harsh critic indeed who did n't agree that Pisa deserved to pull one back because they played some fine attacking football , and it was the player who 's caused most danger , who 's wearing the number eleven that moved across to the right hand side , got clear of the defence , pulled back an absolutely brilliant clot cross and in the middle who 'd missed an earlier header on fifteen minutes to make it one one , did n't miss on this occasion .
26 Eastern Germany and Poland opened their economies to the outside world all at once — eastern Germany on July 1st 1990 , the day of its monetary union with western Germany ; Poland on January 1st 1990 , the day of its ‘ Big Bang ’ of economic reforms .
27 At the last , Marion and Elizabeth brought their babies for the old man to bless .
28 Each of the prospective parliamentary candidates for Orkney and Shetland added their voices to the growing storm of unrest .
29 But , until recently , senior professional persons have not been directly challenged over what Bernard Shaw called their conspiracies against the laity .
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